Here is the trace I referred to earlier when talking about differences in the ability of a loudspeaker to preserve timing. It is taken from 'Practical Hi-Fi Sound', page 139, by Rodger Discoll (c) 1980, published by The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited.
John S,
I apologise, it was John Watkinson, not Wilkinson, who is the author of 'An Introduction to Digital Audio'.
I've also included a grab from this book, to show a digtal audio system that can suffer from jitter. I know this isn't too helpful by itself, and as such I'd recommend that if you're interested, to read the book in full. There are, no doubt, other books on this subject, but John W wrote what is considered a classic on the subject, 'The Art of Digital Audio'. They might be in later editions by now, seeing as the book I'm reading dates back to 1994.
Image of digital audio system is taken from 'An Introduction to Digital Audio', by John Watkinson, Focal Press, (c) John Watkinson 1994.