Actually, tubes can sound pretty amazing. Yes, many of the tube amps out their are nowhere near neutral, but done right, they can really sound great.
Also keep in mind that one's perception that tubes are colored is often also observed by tube lovers concerning solid state. Some say tubes are open, spacious and Solid State is thin and electronic. Tubes and Solid State have their signiture, it's whichever one helps you connect with the music.
It's also funny that tube equipment is also thought of as old and behind the times. They're actually pretty reliable, and can be opened up and fixed/tweaked - unlike many solid state amps that say "Do not open - no user serviceable parts inside."
Anyway, I like both, I'm just trying to give some perspective from the tube lover's side. I'm sure a more die-hard tube guy/girl could state their case better than I. My amp is Solid State, but I've heard some nice tube amps recently.