MDS, you want scientific proof a component sounds different than another?
I cannot and will not speak for MDS; he is quite capable.
No, we want evidence, since you made some testable claims about amps in particular, that YOU can hear audible differences between properly designed amps and that is how you came to your conclusions about audible differences. If you don't have such evidence, why shouldn't your testimony be just another anecdote with dubious merit?
Buddy I think you and others that think like you are MISSING the point! These components are making SOUND. Your ears should be the ultimate judge after all is said and done. Meassurements only show part of the picture. If a component measure good but still sound like crap then it is crap.
I doubt he/others are missing any points. But I see you certainly are. You have no evidence, except biased perceptions, that well measured components can sound like 'crap.' You have not researched much it seems, in audio land. Don't feel badly, no one is immune.
But if you think it is my preconditioned brain that made me to hear differences between my Threshold and the Plinius then I rest my case!
But you have offered no evidence that you can or able to hear differences under bias controlled protocols. What is one to think, that you are exempt or immune from bias? Such a person has not been found yet. And yes, the brain does look for differences, even when the same component is presented twice, it will find a difference. Again, there is more for you to look into it seems.
What about differences between a Baldwin a Yamaha or a Steinway grand piano? What about the differences between a Stradivari and a "run of the mill" violin?
And why are we drifting into pianos and violins??? A diversion tactic?
But, I am glad at least you brought up the Strad

There was a research into it and no, the varnish didn't help

Yet, another urban legend with insufficient data. But, let me help you out here:
What you believe or not is you affair. Trying to pass something on as facts, be careful.
Have you ever heard a Stradivari playing side by side to a Guarneri? No deofferecne again eh?
Best not to jump off the deep end. the world of the Internet bring much to your fingertips

See above.
If you had read my previous posts I posted that I am a scientist with the a MSc in Physics (specialized in solid state) so please do not tell me that you believe in scientific research...I have made this my way of life.
And, you think you are exempt or immune from audio BS, imaginations and flawed or unreliable perceptions? Please. You have dealt your hand pretty well and have nothing in that hand but what other 'golden ears' tend to proclaim.
Still though, I have ears and I can listen.
Yes, you can. But, you are not immune nor exempt from the the flaws of perceptions and human nature. And, yes, the brain's ability to fool your senses inputs and fabricate what was not there. Yes, I see that steel pipe being bent in a 5 gal bucket of water too.
but I also believe that the ultimate measure of a component should be OUR OWN ears.
No matter how much it may be misleading you?
Like when talking about food the ultimate judge should be our own taste buds and not an analysis of the recipe!
Oh, now you are talking about a preference, right? But then, even food taste and differences can be judged under bias controlled conditions, as is also done with wine, to take human bias out of the equation and arrive at reliable answers. Better believe it how much it is used.
I will never accept that all "well designed" components sound the same and the resistance to this FACT from some people surprises me.
I see, now you have demonstrated having a closed mind. Rather telling, isn't it? Well designed doesn't mean operation outside of design limits, not having high output impedance, or low input impedance not nonlinear frequency response, etc.
If I can hear a difference then it exists. If I can not then it is of no consequence to me....
So far, you have not shown any evidence that you can. You make lots of claims to this but evidence is rather non existent.