As of today, Cannabis is legal in Canada



Audioholic Jedi
If you dig into the benefits of cannabis believe you'll find they're more extensive than wine. Hard to judge others for what you aren't willing to experience for yourself, eh?


Audioholic Spartan
The medical establishment is a poor source for good a lot of ways. He's good with speaker tech in some ways.
It is most likely the best source about damages caused by drugs and alcohol as they have to treat people abusing them.


Audioholic Jedi
It is most likely the best source about damages caused by drugs and alcohol as they have to treat people abusing them.
Why, was that TLS' specialty? I doubt he has much experience.


Audioholic Overlord
No, I haven't and I have never been interested. I prefer alcohol in moderation and mostly wine with dinner. At least wine is an anti-oxidant that helps arteries, provides protection and delays aging of body cells.
A major study was concluded in August that more or less disproved the benefit of drinking alcohol (even low levels)!
No industry is backing an ad campaign for disproving the benefits of alcohol, so it may be awhile before the word gets out:


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't believe in wasting resources policing the stuff
With asset seizures, they ain't wastin' sh!t. Besides, what else are the lawyers gonna do? Work? :D

Well, let's ask @TLS Guy what he thinks about the whole situation.
I don't think he's going to apreciate you insinuating that he's a perma-buzzed pot head.

But what would happen should the black market people decide to sell the herb at a cheaper price than the legal one?
Black market people that have to drop their price to move weed think twice about starting another crop. Growing is work and know how plus a huge electric bill. At some point a market saturated by home-grown DIY'er types puts really good growers out of business.

A major study was concluded in August that more or less disproved the benefit of drinking alcohol (even low levels)!
No industry is backing an ad campaign for disproving the benefits of alcohol, so it may be awhile before the word gets out:
The benefits of drinking alcohol is a topic I could really run with. Don't listen to that study. Fake news.


Audioholic Warlord
Personally, I think it's a big mistake to legalize cannabis. It has serious side effects for young people.

Canadian Government thinking is that it is going to kill at least 50% of the illegal market. But what would happen should the black market people decide to sell the herb at a cheaper price than the legal one? o_O
The jury is still out on the negative effects, but it would be whistling in the dark to assume that there are no ill effects.

I agree that it's not legal for minors but authorities don't have a 100% control over teenagers neither parents.
I don't believe there will be much - if any - difference in the rate of usage among minors after legalization, because essentially, nothing has changed for them. I am concerned however, that the increasingly relaxed attitudes towards cannabis will lead to more incidents of small kids consuming edibles and ending up at an Emergency Dept. and dogs getting into stashes, since they will eat anything. I've been hearing more stories about this recently - even before legalization. Now, people will be even more relaxed about storage, leading to more such incidents.

That's bullshit about the brain damage, at least not in comparison to alcohol...not by a long shot. You are probably working with some propaganda? I'm a lifetime user and know many others. It's hard to "abuse" cannabis as it is with other drugs. Usually you just get massive munchies as an ill effect. Have you any experience yourself?
"Brain damage" might not be an accurate description, but there is strong evidence pointing to brain "re-wiring" amongst young, frequent users.

As a moderate drinker, I won't be hypocritical about the whole issue. The devastation caused by alcohol far, far exceeds that caused by cannabis. But, don't pretend that cannabis is harmless.

To me, alcoholic drinks are beverages. Inebriation is simply a by-product. I very rarely have more than one or two drinks at a time now, to avoid that effect. In my younger days, drinking to excess was not exactly rare, but rare enough that I never developed a dependency.

For me, the big difference between alcohol and cannabis is that alcohol is a beverage with a plethora of different forms and flavours to enjoy, while recreational cannabis usage has just one purpose - to get high (to varying degrees). I have no interest in having my mind altered, as I'm quite content with reality.


Audioholic Warlord
A major study was concluded in August that more or less disproved the benefit of drinking alcohol (even low levels)!
No industry is backing an ad campaign for disproving the benefits of alcohol, so it may be awhile before the word gets out:
Of course, the devil is in the details.


A character with character
If you dig into the benefits of cannabis believe you'll find they're more extensive than wine.
I'm definitely interested in it for medical purposes. The research on its benefits for diabetes is reasonably encouraging (and even CBD extract seems to be having beneficial effects in that regard and others going by my lab results at least).


Speaker of the House
Staff member
Anything you do with regularity is going to rewire your brain. Smoking weed, drinking, playing video games, and basket-weaving. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. A problem that occurs with synthetic release of dopamine is that it lessons dopamine receptors over time, so it gets more difficult to enjoy things when you need an absolute flood of dopamine to feel any pleasure at all. Cannibis releases dopamine and that can turn into a problem. But a lot of addicting things can do this. It is a big double standard that booze is legal but weed is not. I wouldn't say weed is harmless, but I have never seen it destroy the user's life. I have seen alcohol destroy far more lives than anything else. I'd much rather alcohol be banned and weed legal than vice versa, but I think both should be legal, and that users should be treated as responsible adults and also be held responsible for misuse such as drunk driving.


Audioholic Samurai
The teetotalers need to realize a few things. First, drugs are here to stay, and have been throughout history, so the best way to address that situation is to legalize, regulate, and tax, not push the activity into the black markets. Prohibition has proven to be an extremely expensive failure. Second, it's absurd to have cannabis listed as a schedule one drug, as it precludes proper scientific research; our bodies are rife with cannabinoid receptors and we produce our own endogenous cannabinoids which have regulatory/endocrine function that begs for further study.


Audioholic General
Umm, With All the deaths from alcohol poisoning, Opioids, that our medical professionals are passing out like candy. When if ever has cannabis cause mass death. I know of a person who has epilepsy and the only thing that helps her live a normal life is cannabis. Sure people will abuse it. Tobacco kills but yet our government let it go on for decades still does, all because of the taxes they get. I use to be a everyday user of reefer back in the 70’s 80’s not anymore. But with that said, I’m here to tell there are a Lot who still do. Sure you’ll have your habitual users that’s just human nature, I know of some people who drink Coke or Dr. Pepper every day like water cause their addicted to the caffeine. A World problem for sure, always has always will be. Some or most of our leaders in Congress who pass laws but yet use their religious believes, influence their decisions or push it on others is total BS in my book!

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Audioholic Ninja
It’s a good idea to decriminalize and set rules like alcohol. It’s a waste of money to jail stoners and growers. I don’t think it is good to do it a lot but occasionally on weekends responsibly, sure. The criminal element will move to push the harder drugs for their black market so you may see some increase in opioids and other drugs. In Seattle, the city air smells like weed on most corners and bus stops so you will notice that as well.


Audioholic Jedi
The jury is still out on the negative effects, but it would be whistling in the dark to assume that there are no ill effects.

I don't believe there will be much - if any - difference in the rate of usage among minors after legalization, because essentially, nothing has changed for them. I am concerned however, that the increasingly relaxed attitudes towards cannabis will lead to more incidents of small kids consuming edibles and ending up at an Emergency Dept. and dogs getting into stashes, since they will eat anything. I've been hearing more stories about this recently - even before legalization. Now, people will be even more relaxed about storage, leading to more such incidents.

"Brain damage" might not be an accurate description, but there is strong evidence pointing to brain "re-wiring" amongst young, frequent users.

As a moderate drinker, I won't be hypocritical about the whole issue. The devastation caused by alcohol far, far exceeds that caused by cannabis. But, don't pretend that cannabis is harmless.

To me, alcoholic drinks are beverages. Inebriation is simply a by-product. I very rarely have more than one or two drinks at a time now, to avoid that effect. In my younger days, drinking to excess was not exactly rare, but rare enough that I never developed a dependency.

For me, the big difference between alcohol and cannabis is that alcohol is a beverage with a plethora of different forms and flavours to enjoy, while recreational cannabis usage has just one purpose - to get high (to varying degrees). I have no interest in having my mind altered, as I'm quite content with reality.
Sure, anything can have ill effects (haven't read your link yet but will take a look at it later). Cannabis is less harmful than alcohol, tho.

Edibles and kids and dogs just require diligence by those with them in the house...same could be said for alcohol. Video games can re-wire kids, have seen that happen.

Alcoholic drinks are for getting high, too. You can have different flavors (strains) of pot to enjoy different tastes of, and you can smoke in different ways or make them into yummy edible products. There's also cannabis that doesn't get you high but has medical benefits. Not a lot different....except I feel that non-alcoholic beer is simply a waste of hops and grain :)



Audioholic General
What about back in the day when some of our so called politicians was trying to outlaw rock ‘n’ roll! Hell the ED Sullivan show didn’t let the TV camera wouldn’t show Elvis Presley‘s mr. shaky legs. But yet the very same chumps would have regular visits to the Playboy mansion to have sex with basically prostitutes. But yet cannabis so evil? are you freaking kidding me!!



Audioholic Jedi

You say it is less harmful than alcohol. Abuse of alcohol can cause liver damage and pancreatic cancer and could lead to Delirium Tremens, but cannabis abuse would first cause brain damage. Then which one does more damage?
What brain damage are you speaking of? What level of consumption defines abuse for cannabis?

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