The Arendal Sound new 1528 Monitor 8s are among the largest and most powerful standmount speakers available. However, size and power don’t necessarily equate to quality. Having reviewed many of
Arendal’s loudspeakers in the past, I suspected that they weren't simply aiming to create a home theater powerhouse but rather a speaker that would excel in every aspect.
With the 1528 series, Arendal Sound is entering a new premium price category, meaning it must significantly surpass the already impressive
1723 series. But where was there to go from the 1723s, which were already massively overbuilt and overachieving? One clue lies in the 1528 Monitor’s weight—it comes in at a hefty 104 pounds/ea, compared to the
1723 Monitor THX, which weighs nearly 60 pounds. Additionally, the 1528 features enhanced styling and curvature, more in line with high-end loudspeakers.
But these are just surface-level changes. What’s under the hood of the 1528 Monitor, and how does it actually perform? It costs twice as much as the 1723 Monitor—does it offer double the value? And how does it compare to other speakers in this market segment? Read our full review to find out!