Okay, but what were the specifics in this case? Are they actually recorded as facts? Don't see that a road hazard like a rock kicking up is particularly a driver issue....unless one wants to sue the idiots who created the condition....which is more what the basic insurance company needs to do. I really have trouble understanding your whine here....
ps "Your", seriously?
1st off: Your (possessive) as in the you are the dealer. Yes seriously.
The specifics is that the person signed a contract and the clerk said 'don't get in any wrecks and bring it gassed up like you found it'. The borrower signed on a kiosk. That pretty much tells me they were the liable party, Just like if you just rented from AVIS.
My observation, not whine, is that fully half the thread thinks the default mitigator is the dealers insurance and not the drivers. My State Farm insurance follows the driver. I know this because I rented uhauls on weekends for 3 months to get moved and I called them and I'm covered on any non-commercial vehicle (no semi's, FEDEX, UPS etc) so personal use.
That when you reverse the scenario and it's the individuals car that took damage while in the dealers possession it's crickets.
I occasionally have $100,000 worth of network gear that I have a separate rider from my employer for because that's a commercial carry and I have non-commercial personal policy.