I bought one of the sleep number beds a couple years ago, my back was killing me. I got the second cheapest one they make, and it was still way too much for a frame basically made of the same stuff they make garbage cans out of, an air bag/mattress, and a small compressor and control. I passed on the memory foam because a friend bought one as a anniversary gift for his wife, and really really hates it for one reason, IT'S HOT! If you like a warmish bed, it's for you, my sister is going to get one. I like the bed on the cool side, and so I went with the sleep number instead.
It was hard to find the right number, and my back hurt after 6 hours anyway. I bought a new "big chair" recliner, my dog slept on that, I stayed in the bed, until one time my other dog got sick in the bed, and I had to wash the sheets and the top of the mattress. I slept in the "big chair" that day, and slept for 14 hours! I woke up and couldn't believe it! My back was ok. I slept the rest of the week in the chair, then went back to bed, and after 6 hours, I had to get up.
Now the sleep number bed is the one dog's bed, Molly loves it. Me and the other dog sleep like corpses in the big chair. I haven't slept as good as I do in it for 20 years! So, I blew $1200 on a dog bed.......