Any Pros around Central California that could install and calibrate a HT system for me?



If so, please PM me to discuss. I have been working on a system for a while, and need to get it concluded. The previous installer did not do a good job on some aspects, and the installation needs to be completed and finalized. Need someone with good working knowledge of installation, cable termination, remote control programming, and calibration, please. Your help would be greatly appreciated. I have not been impressed with the knoledge from any of the few local companies. Thank you.


Hi folks, I PLEASE REALLY need some help here and someone to step up to to the plate, so to speak. By the information that I read here and on other Forums, and upon research. There are few and far in between companies in my area, and the ones do not appear to be very competent, and want to charge an arm and a leg, due to their size and overhead. Thanks in advance.


Audioholic Overlord
Finding someone willing to come in and clean up another pros work is difficult acause it's a risky propositionfor the second jobber. That would entail that they will be held responsible for work they didn't perform. So, you can bet that if/when you do find someone, you're gonna pay and don't be surprised if they want to redo the work already done.


and want to charge an arm and a leg, due to their size and overhead. Thanks in advance.
When I was doing AMX/Crestron/Extron etc we charged an arm and a leg because we were competent. Trust me all that size and overhead is simply a companies investment to doing it correctly and being well resourced. I own my own software dev company and we have a top shelf product and we are well resourced. It isn't bloat, it's investment.

Our best jobs where ones where we went in and cleaned up after another installer. Pull out all the crap, mis-configured and start over. The cost was higher because you had to pay us to drive the car in reverse, so to speak, to get it on the right road.

A great quote from an AVSer when explaining a repair bill to someone: It was $0.79 for the part and $65 knowing where to put it.


Thanks guys for the input. What needs to be cleaned up and redone is relatively easy for a pro installer. The rest is finalization. Not for me though, because I am not experienced with HT installations. Thank you.


I cannot believe that there is not one kind soul in Cali. that is willing and able to help me out?


Audioholic Overlord
You specified a pro. Try either google or the yellow pages.


Audioholic Jedi
How much are you willing to pay?

Are you talking about in-wall/in-ceiling/house-wide wiring, installing a projector screen/ceiling projector, etc?


Audioholic Ninja
Give some of these a try, got the list from AVS, don't have a clue if a person is still in business or not. But they are all ISF certified

CA Agoura Hills, Evolution Custom Home Theater 5341 Derry Avenue, Suite S 91301 818-879-1312 Jay Frank Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Greater Los Angles area, Conejos & San Fernando Valleys

CA Agoura Hills, Casey Design Custom Woodwork, Inc. 91301 818-706-3147 Steve Casey Certifications: CA Contractors Lic #471584 Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Burlingame, Ambleside Logic 1515 Floribunda Ave #103 94010 650-703-7517 Aaron Rosenbaum Certifications: CEDIA, Creston Area Serviced: North and mid peninsula

CA Corona, MovieTime, 13775 Heatherwood Dr. 92880
1-877-321-MOVIE, Ilya Kandibur, Certification: Licensed, Insured and Bonded. CEDIA Certified Professional.
Specialty: Custom Theater Design and Construction, Whole House Automation (Crestron) Areas Serviced: Los Angeles, Orange County, Inland Empire, San Diego, Las

CA Costa Mesa, The Pioneer Store 3333 Bristol St., Suite 1612 (S. Coast Plaza) 92626 Jeff Hagg Certifications: Cedia Area Serviced: Orange County, Southern CA

CA Chino Hills, Monaco Custom Home Theater 15506 Oak Springs Rd 91709 626-991-8374 Larry Weiss Certifications: CEDIA, CA Licensed Contractor Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Clovis, Home Theater Hi Fi 110 West Pontiac Way, #110 93611 559-647-1841 Charlie Palmer Certifications: CEDIA, ISF, HAA Area Serviced: Central California

CA Clovis, Schindler Productions 1865 Herndon Ave., Ste. K 93611 559-281-4152 Tom Schindler Certifications: CEDIA, CES, ISF, HAA Level II Guru Area Serviced: Central California

CA Diamond Bar, Doug Baisey 505 Golden Prados Drive 91765 909-208-5269 Doug Baisey Certifications: NEC Area Serviced:

CA Fresno- Audio & Video Installations 1044 N. Dearing 93730 (559) 994-2469 Contact Jason

CA Huntington Beach, Digital Connection 714 Adams Ave, Suite 103 92648 714-960-9814 Kei Clark Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Lakewood, JBJ Systems, Inc. 3671 Industry Ave., B#3 90712 562-896-4157 Beau Janzen Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Los Alamitos, Vision Systems Automation, Inc. 10631 Bloomfield St, Suite 7 90720 866-484-7797 Certifications: Area Serviced:

CA Los Angeles Ahead Stereo, Inc. 7428 Beverly Blvd. 90036 323-931-8873 Chaz Christianson Certifications: Area Serviced: Southern California

C A Los Angeles CSEC Solutions 2355 Westwood BLVD #233 90064 818-781-0015 Gavin Zimmer Certifications: C10 and ACO Licence, CEDIA and C onnectHome Member. Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Los Angeles, Just Go Digital 310-930-5003 Todd or Chris Certifications: Area Serviced:

CA Mission Viejo, Audio Video Design 23455 Madero, Unit A 92691 949-716-1099 x 104 Aaron Andrew Certifications: CEA, CEDIA, ISF, PARA Area Serviced: Orange County

CA Modesto, Network Depot 4040 Elmo Loop 209-765-9317 Michael Utt Certifications: Area Serviced: Central California

CA Pacific Grove Digital Home Convergence Designs P.O. Box 448 93950
(831) 740-4040 ph (866) 740-4141 fax Carl Gadener
Certifications: Cedia, CEA, TechHome Areas Serviced: Monterey Peninsula and
San Francisco Bay Area

CA Pasadena, Century Media & Automation 3600 Grayburn Rd 91107
800-600-3363 David Gould Certifications: CEDIA, AVAD, Netstreams &
Digilinks, Atlantic Tech. THX Area Serviced: Greater Los Angeles – San Francisco
to San Diego

CA Petaluma, Bates North Bay 1903 Marylyn Circle 94954 707-781-9939 David Ortega Certifications: UL Certified Area Serviced: Napa Valley Area

CA Redondo Beach, eLuxe Home Theater + Automation 409 N. Pacific Coast Hwy #337 90277 310-593-4030 Joseph Davenport Certifications: CEDIA, CA Contractor, C-7 low voltage, C-10 Electrical Area Serviced: South Bay, Los Angeles, CA

CA Riverside, Affordable Home Theater 448 Fifth St. 92501 951-682-6605 Allen Fleener Certifications: ISF, CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Riverside, Audio Design Group, Inc. 5198 Arlington #517 92504 951-781-5906 Keith Callow Certifications: CA C-7 Contractor, CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Sacramento, Sound Environments 7242 Amsterdam Ave 95621 916-705-6325 Kevin Wall Certifications: CEDIA, ISF Area Serviced:

CA San Diego, Installed Group PO Box 82534 619-465-8183 Scott or Tim Certifications: Area Serviced: San Diego, San Bernardino & Orange Counties

CA San Diego, K&R Inc. 9025 Balboa Ave, Suite 120 92123 858-292-5766 Jeremy Kurth Certifications: Area Serviced: Rancho Santa Fe, La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Huntington Beach, Palm Dessert

CA, San Jose, Century Stereo, 450 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose CA 95130,
(408) 422-0669, Bill Westrum, Certifications: CEDIA Installer II, CEDIA
Designer, Crestron, Elan, HomeLogic, Lutron Areas Serviced: Northern

CA , San Jose, High Performance A/V, 20700 Almaden Road, San Jose, CA. 95120, 408-410-8985 Contact name: John Dewey, Certifications: CEDIA, CRESTRON, AMX, LUTRON,CINETOUCH, C-7Licence. Area serviced: San Jose, San Francisco, Bay Area, CA

CA San Jose, Paradise Audio & Video 870 El Paso De Saratoga 95130 408-38-3220 Warren Paradise Certifications: PARA, CEDIA, Licensed Area Serviced: San Francisco Bay area & South Bay

CA San Luis Obispo, AV Exclusive 223 Granada Drive, Suite C 93401 805-541-3688 Trevor Orrick Certifications: ISF, CEDIA Level 1 Area Serviced: Central California Coast

CA Santa Cruz, A/V Consulting 329 Trescony St. #B 95060 831-459-9704 Seth Schnaible Certifications: ISF, JKP, HAA, Network+, CEDIA, AV-PRO Area Serviced: Pebble Beach to Bay Area

CA San Marcos 92069, Acoustic Evolution Inc 858-232-2211 Allen email:

CA Saugus, So Cal Audio & Video 28211 Tamarack Lane 661-212-5411 Buzzy Wieman Certifications: Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Clovis, Cinema Wizards 3206 Lester Ave 93619 559-287-1555 Mike Poindexter Certifications: In process Area Serviced: Central CA

CA Walnut, YAWA 376 Lemon Creek Dr. Suite H 91789 909-468-2221 Bill Chiu Certifications: CEDIA/ISF Area Serviced: Santa Barbara to San Diego

CA Walnut Creek, Pro Home Systems 1561 Civic Drive 94519 925-937-3300 Jerry Richardson Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: N. CA, WA, OR, NV, ID, AZ

CA Whittier, Home Theater Calibration 6052 Newlin Avenue 90601 562-693-6983 Glen Carter Certifications: ISF Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Woodland Hills CamCat Home Automation 22845 Ventura Blvd. #2, 91364 (818) 430-3204 Cell Shawn Yousefi, Certifications: THX, HAA and MCSE Area serviced: Southern California

CA Yucapai, RLA Home Theater + Hi-Fi 909-794-6257 Ray Adkins Certifications: THX Area Serviced: Southern California
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<o:pThanks for the advice guys. When I mean a "PRO", is simply someone that knows what they are doing:) I know that some people that post here, do this as a hobby, but are engineers by trade and such, and have more knowledge and know-how than the so called claimed advertised "pros" out there. This is a relatively simple procedure. The wires have already been ran in-wall. The TV and AV rack are also already wall mounted. I need someone to re-terminate wires, install new locking bananas, calibrate system, program remote, etc... This is a one room installation.
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Honestly it just looks like there is no one here, that would be conveniently close, to help. You could try AVS Forum, Hometheatershack, parts express. You are asking someone to most likely volunteer 8-12 hours of their time.

I hate it when end users talk about the simplicity of something that they can't do themselves. I write software and get this all the time from people that haven't even done so much as write a 'hello world' application. You absolutely can not say, from the point of inexperience, how easy or not something will be for the pro. The Pro is going to have to tell you the depth and breadth of work. I did 7 years of Audio and Video edit suites. We had jobs where simply rewiring a suite was 40 man hours.

You most likely are not asking someone to come over and correct in the time it takes to scarf down some pizza and beer. All from a perfect stranger. You have been given a list of installers near you and just need to make some calls.


I did contact some in the area. Not many around, and those that are, did not impress me that much with their capabilities. I am not requesting free work. If someone is interested, I can always email or PM detailed information. HT is not my area of expertise; thus this is the reason why I came in here asking for assistance. I am not trying to make it simple or difficult. It may be difficult for me, because I do not have any technical experience, but a walk in the park for a HT veteran with experience in the field. After all, isn't that one of the purposes of a Forum? Besides sharing information and asking questions, of course. I am a member of other Forums that are not audio/video related, and many members are willing to assist others; especially those located within the same area. I have developed some great friendships this way.


Not trying to bust your chops. Simply pointing out that if there had been someone that could make themselves available you most likely would have already heard from them.

You may have to try other forums... I'm trying to close the circle on the 'It's simple' with 'None of the people I contacted can do it'.


^^^ I understand. The availability in my area is limited. All said that they can do it. They just did not inspire much confidence, based upon some communications that I had with them via phone and email. Some simple questions that I had to questions that are discussed here daily where answered in questionable manners, and opposing to what I read on these Forums. I already had a bad experience with the first so called installer, and want to make sure that the second time around it goes smoothly, and that expectations are met.

Give some of these a try, got the list from AVS, don't have a clue if a person is still in business or not. But they are all ISF certified

CA Agoura Hills, Evolution Custom Home Theater 5341 Derry Avenue, Suite S 91301 818-879-1312 Jay Frank Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Greater Los Angles area, Conejos & San Fernando Valleys

CA Agoura Hills, Casey Design Custom Woodwork, Inc. 91301 818-706-3147 Steve Casey Certifications: CA Contractors Lic #471584 Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Burlingame, Ambleside Logic 1515 Floribunda Ave #103 94010 650-703-7517 Aaron Rosenbaum Certifications: CEDIA, Creston Area Serviced: North and mid peninsula

CA Corona, MovieTime, 13775 Heatherwood Dr. 92880
1-877-321-MOVIE, Ilya Kandibur, Certification: Licensed, Insured and Bonded. CEDIA Certified Professional.
Specialty: Custom Theater Design and Construction, Whole House Automation (Crestron) Areas Serviced: Los Angeles, Orange County, Inland Empire, San Diego, Las

CA Costa Mesa, The Pioneer Store 3333 Bristol St., Suite 1612 (S. Coast Plaza) 92626 Jeff Hagg Certifications: Cedia Area Serviced: Orange County, Southern CA

CA Chino Hills, Monaco Custom Home Theater 15506 Oak Springs Rd 91709 626-991-8374 Larry Weiss Certifications: CEDIA, CA Licensed Contractor Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Clovis, Home Theater Hi Fi 110 West Pontiac Way, #110 93611 559-647-1841 Charlie Palmer Certifications: CEDIA, ISF, HAA Area Serviced: Central California

CA Clovis, Schindler Productions 1865 Herndon Ave., Ste. K 93611 559-281-4152 Tom Schindler Certifications: CEDIA, CES, ISF, HAA Level II Guru Area Serviced: Central California

CA Diamond Bar, Doug Baisey 505 Golden Prados Drive 91765 909-208-5269 Doug Baisey Certifications: NEC Area Serviced:

CA Fresno- Audio & Video Installations 1044 N. Dearing 93730 (559) 994-2469 Contact Jason

CA Huntington Beach, Digital Connection 714 Adams Ave, Suite 103 92648 714-960-9814 Kei Clark Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Lakewood, JBJ Systems, Inc. 3671 Industry Ave., B#3 90712 562-896-4157 Beau Janzen Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Los Alamitos, Vision Systems Automation, Inc. 10631 Bloomfield St, Suite 7 90720 866-484-7797 Certifications: Area Serviced:

CA Los Angeles Ahead Stereo, Inc. 7428 Beverly Blvd. 90036 323-931-8873 Chaz Christianson Certifications: Area Serviced: Southern California

C A Los Angeles CSEC Solutions 2355 Westwood BLVD #233 90064 818-781-0015 Gavin Zimmer Certifications: C10 and ACO Licence, CEDIA and C onnectHome Member. Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Los Angeles, Just Go Digital 310-930-5003 Todd or Chris Certifications: Area Serviced:

CA Mission Viejo, Audio Video Design 23455 Madero, Unit A 92691 949-716-1099 x 104 Aaron Andrew Certifications: CEA, CEDIA, ISF, PARA Area Serviced: Orange County

CA Modesto, Network Depot 4040 Elmo Loop 209-765-9317 Michael Utt Certifications: Area Serviced: Central California

CA Pacific Grove Digital Home Convergence Designs P.O. Box 448 93950
(831) 740-4040 ph (866) 740-4141 fax Carl Gadener
Certifications: Cedia, CEA, TechHome Areas Serviced: Monterey Peninsula and
San Francisco Bay Area

CA Pasadena, Century Media & Automation 3600 Grayburn Rd 91107
800-600-3363 David Gould Certifications: CEDIA, AVAD, Netstreams &
Digilinks, Atlantic Tech. THX Area Serviced: Greater Los Angeles – San Francisco
to San Diego

CA Petaluma, Bates North Bay 1903 Marylyn Circle 94954 707-781-9939 David Ortega Certifications: UL Certified Area Serviced: Napa Valley Area

CA Redondo Beach, eLuxe Home Theater + Automation 409 N. Pacific Coast Hwy #337 90277 310-593-4030 Joseph Davenport Certifications: CEDIA, CA Contractor, C-7 low voltage, C-10 Electrical Area Serviced: South Bay, Los Angeles, CA

CA Riverside, Affordable Home Theater 448 Fifth St. 92501 951-682-6605 Allen Fleener Certifications: ISF, CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Riverside, Audio Design Group, Inc. 5198 Arlington #517 92504 951-781-5906 Keith Callow Certifications: CA C-7 Contractor, CEDIA Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Sacramento, Sound Environments 7242 Amsterdam Ave 95621 916-705-6325 Kevin Wall Certifications: CEDIA, ISF Area Serviced:

CA San Diego, Installed Group PO Box 82534 619-465-8183 Scott or Tim Certifications: Area Serviced: San Diego, San Bernardino & Orange Counties

CA San Diego, K&R Inc. 9025 Balboa Ave, Suite 120 92123 858-292-5766 Jeremy Kurth Certifications: Area Serviced: Rancho Santa Fe, La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Huntington Beach, Palm Dessert

CA, San Jose, Century Stereo, 450 El Paseo de Saratoga, San Jose CA 95130,
(408) 422-0669, Bill Westrum, Certifications: CEDIA Installer II, CEDIA
Designer, Crestron, Elan, HomeLogic, Lutron Areas Serviced: Northern

CA , San Jose, High Performance A/V, 20700 Almaden Road, San Jose, CA. 95120, 408-410-8985 Contact name: John Dewey, Certifications: CEDIA, CRESTRON, AMX, LUTRON,CINETOUCH, C-7Licence. Area serviced: San Jose, San Francisco, Bay Area, CA

CA San Jose, Paradise Audio & Video 870 El Paso De Saratoga 95130 408-38-3220 Warren Paradise Certifications: PARA, CEDIA, Licensed Area Serviced: San Francisco Bay area & South Bay

CA San Luis Obispo, AV Exclusive 223 Granada Drive, Suite C 93401 805-541-3688 Trevor Orrick Certifications: ISF, CEDIA Level 1 Area Serviced: Central California Coast

CA Santa Cruz, A/V Consulting 329 Trescony St. #B 95060 831-459-9704 Seth Schnaible Certifications: ISF, JKP, HAA, Network+, CEDIA, AV-PRO Area Serviced: Pebble Beach to Bay Area

CA San Marcos 92069, Acoustic Evolution Inc 858-232-2211 Allen email:

CA Saugus, So Cal Audio & Video 28211 Tamarack Lane 661-212-5411 Buzzy Wieman Certifications: Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Clovis, Cinema Wizards 3206 Lester Ave 93619 559-287-1555 Mike Poindexter Certifications: In process Area Serviced: Central CA

CA Walnut, YAWA 376 Lemon Creek Dr. Suite H 91789 909-468-2221 Bill Chiu Certifications: CEDIA/ISF Area Serviced: Santa Barbara to San Diego

CA Walnut Creek, Pro Home Systems 1561 Civic Drive 94519 925-937-3300 Jerry Richardson Certifications: CEDIA Area Serviced: N. CA, WA, OR, NV, ID, AZ

CA Whittier, Home Theater Calibration 6052 Newlin Avenue 90601 562-693-6983 Glen Carter Certifications: ISF Area Serviced: Southern California

CA Woodland Hills CamCat Home Automation 22845 Ventura Blvd. #2, 91364 (818) 430-3204 Cell Shawn Yousefi, Certifications: THX, HAA and MCSE Area serviced: Southern California

CA Yucapai, RLA Home Theater + Hi-Fi 909-794-6257 Ray Adkins Certifications: THX Area Serviced: Southern California
Evolution Home Theater is VERY MUCH In business. As a contributor to, I can tell you I spoke to Jay Frank last week. They are thriving.

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