Any plans on reviewing this NAD integrated amp?



Audioholic Slumlord
And these are using the PC's USB port for a hard drive/thumb drive, or do you see these connected to routers that have a USB port?
I have a USB drive connected to my laptop and stream my music through a ROKU connected via HDMI to my AVR. The USB port is only handy if I have down loaded some tunes to a USB drive which is seldom the case. Another option is using DLNA but I'm not sure if the NAD unit is equipped with that feature.


Audioholic Spartan
While many use a wireless connection for various devices including Macs and PCs, many still would like a USB port that accepts audio signals rather than just storage devices for a wired connection. I know I'd like one but the HDMI port on my Mac mini has been updated and works fine. Some use USB to optical cables to connect to their systems.

If anybody has an older stereo unit that needs an upgrade, it's easy enough to connect a device such as the WiiM Pro Plus to the old stereo unit using analog ports and suddenly have the ability to stream wirelessly from various services and devices to their older unit for far less money than purchasing a unit such as the NAD.

A powered subwoofer equipped with high level speaker inputs and outputs can also be connected to an old stereo unit and achieve the same result as connecting to the sub pre out of a unit such as the NAD that does not have proper bass management.

While the WiiM Pro Plus has no eARC port limited to two channel PCM signals like the NAD, it does have an optical IN port to achieve the same result if one connects a TV to it via optical and then use the analog OUT port to connect to an older stereo unit. This makes the audio of any devices connected directly to the TV available as well. Volume can also be controlled with the WiiM app. It is a nifty little device that can bring any old analog stereo unit right up to speed. Apologies, this was a NAD review thread. Those with old NAD units need only add the WiiM Pro Plus to it.;)


Seriously, I have no life.
I understand your POV and where you are coming from but you and like minded individuals are just a portion of the audio industry. I don't need a video stream to enjoy music of any king including classical so I'm already different. There are many others like me who don't need to see a video stream of the music being played. No, I'm not a audiophile nor do I care to become one.

NAD has been doing this for a long time and it know's its market. Whats interesting this time is that they chose to go with class D instead of their class AB designs. Many of the audiophiles may poo-poo that move but that remains to be seen.Like I said earlier, I would love to see this unit bench marked to see how it does, especially with NAD dipping their toes in class D.
If that unit turns a profit I will be surprised. People want choice, and this unit does not give them much. I far from always have a picture and frequently listen to audio only.
The point is I want options. I have plenty of LPs, tapes, also first class FM radio, and music on my hard drive. However I want the option to have AV on all my three systems. I stream from my HTPC, DAW, LG TV app, my iphone and Chromecast, which of course is via phone. But I have to say the explosion of high quality AV online is a real pleasure.
The BPO, have got their Atmos stream right this season, and it is truly amazing and a real glimpse into the future.
I just think manufacturers need to be wary of introducing product, that limits people's options. At the moment I know there are a lot who do not know of all these wonders and how to implement them. That needs to change.


Full Audioholic
Yet another one eyed reply from TLS, who fails to understand that not everyone wants something that will connect to a screen for AV use.. And also complains that only one HDMI port, [[ It is an eARC port ]] is supplied .

With statements like this I would suggest you don't know many people in the audio only field, Pretty much everyone I know wants a picture with their audio. Just perhaps you haven't learned that HDMI was never designed for Audio use. It simply piggy backs of the video signal.

What TLS fails to understand or is simply stupid is that many people want a good Pre-amp and with the links removed. they have that choice. Again something that TLS fails to comment on, External power amps or mono-bloc's can be used , So your comment regarding power or the lack of power is mute That unit is likely to be used with smaller speakers,

And again another incorrect statement i.e. You can't even digitally connect a CD player Why would you want to when they provide a coaxial socket. For your transports use. I won't get into the argument about the use of Class "D". Just to say that peoplet that like and use NAD will use this model. As a first class integrated of simple as a pre-amp.

Here we go again another unfound opinion If that unit turns a profit I will be surprised. I would suggest you are completely clueless about world market requirements


Seriously, I have no life.
Yet another one eyed reply from TLS, who fails to understand that not everyone wants something that will connect to a screen for AV use.. And also complains that only one HDMI port, [[ It is an eARC port ]] is supplied .

With statements like this I would suggest you don't know many people in the audio only field, Pretty much everyone I know wants a picture with their audio. Just perhaps you haven't learned that HDMI was never designed for Audio use. It simply piggy backs of the video signal.

What TLS fails to understand or is simply stupid is that many people want a good Pre-amp and with the links removed. they have that choice. Again something that TLS fails to comment on, External power amps or mono-bloc's can be used , So your comment regarding power or the lack of power is mute That unit is likely to be used with smaller speakers,

And again another incorrect statement i.e. You can't even digitally connect a CD player Why would you want to when they provide a coaxial socket. For your transports use. I won't get into the argument about the use of Class "D". Just to say that peoplet that like and use NAD will use this model. As a first class integrated of simple as a pre-amp.

Here we go again another unfound opinion If that unit turns a profit I will be surprised. I would suggest you are completely clueless about world market requirements
And a happy Thanksgiving to you too!


Audioholic Slumlord
In typical "Mark" fashion... quick with the harsh criticism without realizing the intended market. :rolleyes:

I do wonder if the reliability of NAD has improved yet? Reminds me of the older days of Onkyo with their premature HDMI failures.
I am not going to be as harsh as Dr. Mark but I do agree with him in terms of the fact that aside from the look and the meters, there is nothing remarkable about such an integrated amp. Besides what others pointed out, Ii would add that if is yet another 2 channel integrated amp that sort of preclude the use of someone like me who values the ability to use independent RC system like DLBC, because of the lack of processing capabilities for the subwoofer channel, and no bass management at all. Also, the included DAC is of very mediocre quality.

Even if it was for $800, let alone $1,899, I would much prefer my NAD C326BEE, at least it is not as pretentious, for under $500 from Bay Bloor Radio, plus $300 for an external DAC, the little amp works wonder for my desktop system and it has enough power for my tower speakers if I ever need to move it to one of my 2 channel systems.

I think there are going to be people who buy it for the aesthetic reason, and I have no doubt for sound quality it will be as good as any. Just that for the price, there are better values, imo..


Audioholic Slumlord
I am not going to be as harsh as Dr. Mark but I do agree with him in terms of the fact that aside from the look and the meters, there is nothing remarkable about such an integrated amp. Besides what others pointed out, Ii would add that if is yet another 2 channel integrated amp that sort of preclude the use of someone like me who values the ability to use independent RC system like DLBC, because of the lack of processing capabilities for the subwoofer channel, and no bass management at all. Also, the included DAC is of very mediocre quality.

Even if it was for $800, let alone $1,899, I would much prefer my NAD C326BEE, at least it is not as pretentious, for under $500 from Bay Bloor Radio, plus $300 for an external DAC, the little amp works wonder for my desktop system and it has enough power for my tower speakers if I ever need to move it to one of my 2 channel systems.

I think there are going to be people who buy it for the aesthetic reason, and I have no doubt for sound quality it will be as good as any. Just that for the price, there are better values, imo..
Regardless of the perceived value and or perceived "pretentiousness" which BTW happens to be in the eye of the beholder, I'm interested to see how it measures because like have stated so many times before, the CLASS D direction that NAD took on this unit. I would like to see the black and white measurements without having to hear everyone's opinion (based on their perspective only) on this unit. Apparently this seems to much of a ask around these parts. :mad:
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Audioholic Spartan
Yikes, get this man a turkey leg and dip it in gravy, STAT!


Audioholic Slumlord
Regardless of the perceived value and or perceived "pretentiousness" which BTW happens to be in the eye of the beholder, I'm interested to see how it measures because like have stated so many times before, the CLASS D direction that NAD took on this unit. I would like to see the black and white measurements without having to hear everyone's opinion (based on their perspective only) on this unit. Apparently this seems to much of a ask around these parts. :mad:
Someone might eventually send one to Amir, but you may have to wait for a long time. Actually, at the relatively high price point, Stereophile may do it too.


Seriously, I have no life.
Yet another one eyed reply from TLS, who fails to understand that not everyone wants something that will connect to a screen for AV use.. And also complains that only one HDMI port, [[ It is an eARC port ]] is supplied .

With statements like this I would suggest you don't know many people in the audio only field, Pretty much everyone I know wants a picture with their audio. Just perhaps you haven't learned that HDMI was never designed for Audio use. It simply piggy backs of the video signal.

What TLS fails to understand or is simply stupid is that many people want a good Pre-amp and with the links removed. they have that choice. Again something that TLS fails to comment on, External power amps or mono-bloc's can be used , So your comment regarding power or the lack of power is mute That unit is likely to be used with smaller speakers,

And again another incorrect statement i.e. You can't even digitally connect a CD player Why would you want to when they provide a coaxial socket. For your transports use. I won't get into the argument about the use of Class "D". Just to say that peoplet that like and use NAD will use this model. As a first class integrated of simple as a pre-amp.

Here we go again another unfound opinion If that unit turns a profit I will be surprised. I would suggest you are completely clueless about world market requirements
May be the population are ignorant and clueless. I was thinking about this on this holiday and with other festive occasions approaching.

My main AV room, I obviously want good sound with a picture. In our great room is where my wife and I watch news and programs together most often.

In the family room is a system that I use audio only quite often, but usually watch the morning news. Not only that when the grandchildren come over they want to use it for gaming.

I think you seem to imply that HDMI is not suited to audio use. if that is so it is complete nonsense. I think I am far closer to where most people are than you are. You are playing to an ever decreasing nich. I am 100% confident history will prove me correct and you wrong.


Full Audioholic
In the family room is a system that I use audio only quite often, but usually watch the morning news.
It would seem that in your case self promotion is a wonderful thing.

I think you seem to imply that HDMI is not suited to audio use. if that is so it is complete nonsense
That is not what I have said, but if you want to twist it round to suit your argument, please carry on. What I said was, HDMI was never designed for audio. It was simply a video program. Really HDMI is a digital version of SCART, which regardless of what you might think. Or in your case, know everything [[ about nothing. ]] Actually HDMI does not contain a "Trigger" circuit unlike SCART. So it really is not much of an advancement.. But on the up-side it provides a cheap alternative by way of amplification containing a HDMI switch box. And call it what you will that's all the modern AVR is

On the question of price for the NAD, Really 1800 is quite reasonable when you consider what your getting.


Audioholic Spartan
Yikes. Ok, Doc’s a pill and the NAD is an overpriced two channel unit playing to nostalgia. Now, somebody go test the f#%ker already and post results. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving! I hope anybody wanting to throw more wood on this fire chokes on a f#%kin’ wish bone.


Seriously, I have no life.
It would seem that in your case self promotion is a wonderful thing.

That is not what I have said, but if you want to twist it round to suit your argument, please carry on. What I said was, HDMI was never designed for audio. It was simply a video program. Really HDMI is a digital version of SCART, which regardless of what you might think. Or in your case, know everything [[ about nothing. ]] Actually HDMI does not contain a "Trigger" circuit unlike SCART. So it really is not much of an advancement.. But on the up-side it provides a cheap alternative by way of amplification containing a HDMI switch box. And call it what you will that's all the modern AVR is

On the question of price for the NAD, Really 1800 is quite reasonable when you consider what your getting.
The only similarity between SCART and HDMI is there there is a multi pin connector at both ends of the cable. We never had SCART in the US, thank goodness as it was truly awful. It was a contrivance of the EEC like DIN plugs. I think the EEC have the most useless interfering bureaucrats on Earth. In the UK they are know as the "blob".


Audioholic Jedi
I am not going to be as harsh as Dr. Mark but I do agree with him in terms of the fact that aside from the look and the meters, there is nothing remarkable about such an integrated amp. Besides what others pointed out, Ii would add that if is yet another 2 channel integrated amp that sort of preclude the use of someone like me who values the ability to use independent RC system like DLBC, because of the lack of processing capabilities for the subwoofer channel, and no bass management at all. Also, the included DAC is of very mediocre quality.

Even if it was for $800, let alone $1,899, I would much prefer my NAD C326BEE, at least it is not as pretentious, for under $500 from Bay Bloor Radio, plus $300 for an external DAC, the little amp works wonder for my desktop system and it has enough power for my tower speakers if I ever need to move it to one of my 2 channel systems.

I think there are going to be people who buy it for the aesthetic reason, and I have no doubt for sound quality it will be as good as any. Just that for the price, there are better values, imo..
At first, integrated amps were pure analog.

Next thing you know, they added USB, HDMI, Bluetooth, LAN/network streaming, Room Correction, etc.

So these days, to make an “integrated amp”, all you have to do is take an AVR and simply remove all the amps and just keep 2CH amp. :D
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Audioholic Spartan
At first, integrated amps were pure analog.

Next thing you know, they added USB, HDMI, network streaming, Room Correction, etc.

So these days, to make an “integrated amp”, all you have to do is take an AVR and simply remove all the amps and just keep 2CH amp. :D
Then you have a stereo receiver, not a simple integrated stereo amp.


Seriously, I have no life.
At first, integrated amps were pure analog.

Next thing you know, they added USB, HDMI, network streaming, Room Correction, etc.

So these days, to make an “integrated amp”, all you have to do is take an AVR and simply remove all the amps and just keep 2CH amp. :D
Basically you are correct. However it needs a smaller form factor, and at the key of that is a smaller power supply to get the form factor down.

But really, what I hear from friends is that the size of AVRs and AVPs is a resistance to acceptance, and actually big time.

I'm going to resurrect the ghost of Peter Walker again. He realized that the size of equipment WAS a barrier to acceptance. He was right them and right now. So he was the first to produce a low profile preamp, even in the tube era. This was coupled with a power amp that could be, and usually was mounted out of site.

Now, with ubiquitous class D amps, we could easily have small profile AVPs and amps out of site, or more likely active speakers, which will really get the clutter down. More and more is streamed now, and I just can't believe how far the quality of streaming has improved in the last 10 years. It has been meteoric, at least in some arenas. I have to give credit here to the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. This season they have in my view the highest quality streamed picture on the NET. Their Atmos stream is astonishing, and in an AV room like mine literally transports you to the Philharmonie in Berlin. The only downside is Dolby's fault, wo must have some idiots who need a pink slip. This is their limitation put on the db level of streamed audio. With the huge dynamic range provided by the BPO, this is a bigger issue than ever. If this is what Hollywood want, and the film industry in general, then there needs to be different rules for the classical music and opera arena.
If not, then someone will create a different immersive standard, adding to the chaos, and possible years of lawsuits.


Seriously, I have no life.
Then you have a stereo receiver, not a simple integrated stereo amp.
Exactly, and that is precisely what is required. People want to be able to get a picture with their audio, when they want. The market for audio only in my view is already miniscule and shrinking. I found out almost 20 years ago, that there is no point in designing and building a system you can't get a picture with when you need or want to.
Case in point, friends are over and whip out their cell phone and want to show something in high quality, all can view without crowding round a diminutive screen. Happens here all the time, and we are pushing eighty! The day of audio only has had is history, and is now the provenance of Luddites.


Audioholic Slumlord
At first, integrated amps were pure analog.

Next thing you know, they added USB, HDMI, network streaming, Room Correction, etc.

So these days, to make an “integrated amp”, all you have to do is take an AVR and simply remove all the amps and just keep 2CH amp. :D
That should be an easy project for @TLS Guy who has the skills and all the necessary tools to do it, all he needs just to be 100% is to grab the service manual.:D

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