If you browse enough posts on line on Denon vs Anthem you will likely find that Anthem's have much more bugs. I have nothing against Anthem overall but in my experience, Denon, Marantz never gave me any trouble over many years. You experience, while real, but seems more like the outlier relatively speaking. As far as sound quality difference, those so called night and day difference are anecdotal at best, without knowing how the comparisons are done. For example, if done in direct mode with no dsp involved, there is no way they could "sound" so different, but being a subjective thing, anyone can say anything using any kind of adjectives so I'll not argue with anyone on sound quality comparison, other than saying that it is so highly subjective that people should not take it as facts, but to go do their own comparison listening.
One thing I am disappointed with Anthem's latest models is that they still have not address the fan noise issues. The lucky ones will get the quieter fans, for whatever reason, but they would still turn on unnecessarily, though that may not be a bad thing, as long as they are no audible from a few feet away, but unfortunately a lot of people are still getting the noisy ones. As for ARC Genesis, bass heads (like ADTG

) better stay away, unless they are willing, and know how to tweak a little post calibration, though it is likely dependent on the rooms, as always, so rooms are bass friendlier than others.