Annoying Audio Terms



I agree!

Buckle-meister said:
On the contrary; I'd rather be humble, apologise, and remain friends with someone than be stubborn, not apologise, and fall out. And after all, there really is no excuse for swearing.

Ah, but you knew that, didn't you young Ironlung? ;)

You were a wise old one year old when I was born Buckle. I'll admit I don't have the world/life figured out. How young and foolish is that?

I read things that offend me all the time. You remember 'that' thread right.:)

For me profane language should be used sparingly if at all. When I hear someone drop an f-bomb in a non aggressive way it sounds stupid. When I hear my mother or sister swear it hurts my insides. It makes me watch my language all the time.

The way I understood the original post it seemed like JohnOAS was using a little humor to show how much pretense some people use when trying to discuss(sell) audio stuff(I assume I'm not JohnOAS). I wasn't the only one that needed the second post from the Duke to find the non "family freindly" section.

Let's examine "family friendly" and I'll warn for the more sensitive readers to skip this paragraph. Some familys have a violent man as the 'daddy' and 'mommy' gets punched in the face when dinner is not ready and children live in fear 24/7. Sometimes mommy loves the bottle or crack pipe a little more than baby. Baby might sit in a poopy diaper a little to long or even starve to death. Some mommys get a little overwhelmed with life and just toss their little bundle of joy right in the dumpster. How freindly are these familys?

What does reading a "*******" in a web forum do to a god fearing man? I ask that question in the most sincere and honest way trying to understand the human condition.

Maybe I missed the offensive "WTF" and "******" in my first and second read because profanity is so common and my(and other posters) mind is contaminated with all the potty mouth stuff I hear all the time. On the other hand maybe it was no big deal.

When I read some closed minded wacked out nonsense in the future I'll try to get the mods to delete what offends me.

Just hit preview post and.......

The thought police are getting there way. The letters g-o-d-d-a-m-n in that order are now being asteriked out. Hooray!!!! The world is just rainbows and sunshine from now on.:mad:
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Buckle-meister said:
(sigh), I do indeed young Ironlung. (sigh), I do indeed. All those poor misguided people....(sigh) :D :eek:


Only part of my post worth a comment Buckle?

Give this new, inexperienced 29 year old a view of the world through the wise old eyes of a 30 year old sage.


Audioholic Chief
soundsfine said:
The whole thing is kind of like wine tasting... very subjective, with similar descriptive terms. Almost everyone can distinguish "good" from "very bad", but within the "good" are many subtle differences subject to personal preference.
I'll agree with you. It is very like wine tasting in that it has it's own terms that people use but never really understand. I drink wine what the heck do they mean by "fat" or "fleshy" or "meaty?" And I don't think I've ever had a "buttery" wine and the only apply wine I've had was Boone's Farm in my teens.

So in both instances I'd say you almost need to be tutored to understand fully what the terms mean.


Audioholic Field Marshall
ironlung said:
Give this new, inexperienced 29 year old a view of the world through the wise old eyes of a 30 year old sage.
Youthful spirit, as thou doth increasingly age, thy wilt perceive in thy own heart that no substitute for experiance doth exist. Forasmuchas thy parent must needs let the child stumble from time to time, though it doth rend the heart, thy own mistakes must thee make.

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ironlung said:
What does reading a "*******" in a web forum do to a god fearing man? I ask that question in the most sincere and honest way trying to understand the human condition.
Here you go Buckle. I distilled my last post to the absolute bare minimum. Just fill in "G**damn" into the asteriks above. Who said I don't help the elderly and enfeebled?:)


Full Audioholic
Most of these terms are fairly well understood by knowledgable audioheads. Others may take some exception, but here are my brief descriptions:

bright - Usually a mid/treble emphasis, with attendant lack of bass fill. Think metal tweeters.

dark - Recessed mid/treble response, comparatively prominent bass response. Think ported boxes.

delicate - Good microdetail reproduction, possibly at the loss of scale and macrodynamics. Think planars.

grainy - Classic digital. Think 1985 CDP playing your favorite 1983 "DDD" pop recording.

harsh - Could mean many things. Usually a poorly designed speaker is to blame and probably in the mid-to-treble range.

mellow - Probably rolled in the extremes. Upper bass to lower treble probably reproduced fairly accurately.

punchy - Good force in the midbass region. Old, sealed Advent boxes could properly be called punchy.

silky - This one's a little tough. It probably means the tweeter isn't making itself known, though emphasis/recession not necessary. Probably associated with good upstream electronics, i.e. not grainy or unbalanced. I can imagine a decent analog rig being described thus.

warm - Minor emphasis in the midbass region, probably without undue punchiness. Reproduction in this area is probably honest but without tremendous impact.

zippy - Referring to excellent transient speed and associated (probably) with delicacy. Light drivers tend to excel at speed and nuance, possibly at the expense of macrodynamics and ultimate power. Think Lowther or Fostex drivers.

The comment about "the lingo" is spot-on. These terms arise from necessity. Describing sound is exceedingly difficult. Having more-or-less commonly understood terms is crucial to communicating about audio, or nearly anything. These terms are a small part of the best efforts of the "audio collective" to relay what they perceive to others.

Speakers probably get the most credit or blame when these factors are out-of-balance, as it probably should be, but electronics play a role. And, a given piece might react differently in your system than mine. It can be maddening.

So, mock if you will. I think you'd spend your time better trying to learn what these terms mean by listening to different systems though. You might learn something.


Audioholic Field Marshall
miklorsmith said:
...mock if you will. I think you'd spend your time better trying to learn what these terms mean by listening to different systems though. You might learn something.
I would not mock thee, young Micklorsmith. Not though young IronDung doth surpass mine own score and ten years. Thou art truly wise in matters musical oh-Micklorsmith. All hail Zuton-Micklorsmith!



Audioholic Field Marshall
ironlung said:
What does reading a "*******" in a web forum do to a god fearing man?
What does it do to me? To be honest, it doesn't do anything for me. Who am I to tell JohnOAS what he can and cannot do? I am not his judge.



Very Witty!

Buckle-meister said:


I thought this was a "family" forum. I am deeply offended by such word play and would appreciate a full apology and the moderators to add "IronDung" to the banned string list.

Seriously Buckle is this going to turn into name calling? What would Jesus think. I'm sure it was just a typo.

Turning the other cheek,
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Audioholic Field Marshall
ironlung said:
I thought this was a "family" forum. I am deeply offended by such word play and would appreciate a full apology.
Yes, I'm sure you would. :D

ironlung said:
What would Jesus think?
I do not claim to know the mind of Jesus. And slowly but surely this thread is being twisted into another one...:eek:



Buckle-meister said:
I do not claim to know the mind of Jesus. And slowly but surely this thread is being twisted into another one...:eek:

Yeah EEK --->:eek: is right. Lets not have another one of those:eek:


Buckle-meister said:
What does it do to me? To be honest, it doesn't do anything for me. Who am I to tell JohnOAS what he can and cannot do? I am not his judge.

There still might be hope for you yet Buckle.:) If I'm ever in Glasgow I'm taking you out for a beverage.


Any term used to describe the finer points of a Bose system! :mad:

Otherwise, I'm just sick of hearing a sales "hole" use terms like bright and boomy to describe how the competition's equipment performs badly.

(Oh, and Buckle-meister, YOU ROCK!)


Audioholic Field Marshall
ironlung said:
There still might be hope for you yet Buckle.:) If I'm ever in Glasgow I'm taking you out for a beverage.
Orange juice? ;) :eek: :D

majorloser said:
(Oh, and Buckle-meister, YOU ROCK!)
Prithee young Majorloser, why art thy so kind? Mine heart doth fill to overflowing with joy.

It was such an elegant tongue. Would that I lived then. Thank you my friends.



Buckle-meister said:
Orange juice? ;) :eek: :D

Prithee young Majorloser, why art thy so kind? Mine heart doth fill to overflowing with joy.

It was such an elegant tongue. Would that I lived then. Thank you my friends.

You must have me confused with somebody else (I'll take the compliment, though)

Oh, and add a little Ketel One to that orange juice and I might join in:D

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