Car salesmen used to bother me, now I generally bypass them as much as possible.
1. browse dealerships on Sunday to see if car is ugly in person.
2. use Manf's website to determine options & accessories
3. use Manf's website to locate exact car with exact option I want in the state. In special case you may need to travel to nearby state. (its not like the local dealership's service area cares where the car came from)
4. determine financing ahead of time (if needed). If you can't afford MSRP then you can't afford the car, discounts are good but please live within your means.
5. call dealership to confirm car is still available.
6. go to dealership, find salesperson "I am here to purchase that specific car" make reasonable offer (If you had a bumper year at the firm and carry a briefcase full of cash into the dealership you can even make unreasonable offers

) If offer is refused start list over again with second choice car, or dealership if more than one has your car.
7. double check invoice to make sure "dealer coating" and other BS hasn't worked it's way into the mess.
Life is too short to **** around with salespeople. If getting that smoking deal is going to cost you a $50,000 bypass, then whats the point? I'll be much happier when Mail Order cars are available. Then dealerships would be little more than authorized service centers (and there wouldn't be excess stock rusting away on lots across the globe).