Turtle ???

I don't know what that means but on Saturday I was in Newbury Comics buying record sleeves and a Best of Heart CD when I saw a miniature one. I mentioned to my girl that it was too bad they didn't have the regular ones. She thought to ask the hippie clerk and they did have them. I've been after one for years but didn't know where to get them. I use to know how to solve them long ago and wanted to figure it out again. I'm not sure I can but the deal is that playing with the cube could tie up all my time for a long time and the rec'r might never get hooked up.
I have 360's in the living room with a PC350 center but the 2600 is for Mantown.
I've got a cold and have been sick for a couple of days now. I need some rest ... and maybe some NyQuil. It's the only time I ever get to have alcohol. Yee-Haw ... there's gonna be some trash talkin' tonight!