

Audioholic Jedi
Hey, Doug - does your JVC have surround speaker jacks on the back? I forgot all about that feature on my TV until I pulled it out of the cabinet last night.


Audioholic Overlord
This is so weird, Adam's Panny was just delivered to my door.

Oh well, I kind of needed something for the patio anyway.


Audioholic Spartan
Adam, did you look out by the back door?
Is your face gonna be red:eek: when you go out and look, and it's there.
After ignoring my first post about checking there.:D

But seriously, is the moving co local, to where you could see if they're open today?
Hope it works out for you. Sucks to take a day off from work, and they don't show.
Thought that stuff only happened to me.


Audioholic Jedi
Adam, did you look out by the back door?
Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a back door man. :D

I actually only have one door for them to go to. Trust me, it ain't here. :) I've been focused on the stand (as focused as I can keep my eyes this morning, anyway), but I'll likely give the place a call here pretty quick. They didn't answer when I called last night.


Audioholic Jedi
This is so weird, Adam's Panny was just delivered to my door.

Oh well, I kind of needed something for the patio anyway.
Is it even large enough for that? I thought that you'd put in a closet or something. Just a little something to look at while you're picking out a shirt.


Contrary to popular belief, I'm not a back door man. :D

I actually only have one door for them to go to. Trust me, it ain't here. :) I've been focused on the stand (as focused as I can keep my eyes this morning, anyway), but I'll likely give the place a call here pretty quick. They didn't answer when I called last night.
Why you sons of ...............................where the hell is Adam's tv......come on its killing me Adam you must be dead...:D:eek:


Audioholic Spartan
Well at least you can kill some time setting up the rack and adding components.

Good Luck, hope it all works out,

I'm going to put something on the grill.



Audioholic Jedi
Not going to get the TV this weekend. The local delivery company received it last night and they don't deliver on weekends. I'm scheduled between 3pm and 5pm on Monday, though. I shouldn't have a problem leaving work early to come home for it (crosses fingers). The guy at the delivery company mentioned that they bring it in and set it up (but don't connect it, which is fine), and that's more than I expected. The delivery level that Amazon listed was just to bring the box inside my front door. The guy that I talked to was really nice and helpful, even going to the warehouse to check and make sure that he had the right TV and that it was mine.


I think they're probably loading your set right now.

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Audioholic Spartan
Hey, Doug - does your JVC have surround speaker jacks on the back? I forgot all about that feature on my TV until I pulled it out of the cabinet last night.

You must have bought a fancier version than mine...No surrounds jacks.


Audioholic Jedi
You must have bought a fancier version than mine...No surrounds jacks.
Oh, man - you are missing out! :D They were nice before I got a surround sound receiver, though.

I noticed about five minutes ago that I put one of the pieces of the shelf on upside down. Grrrr. That'll take another twenty minutes, probably.


Audioholic Jedi
I got my stand together and display up in time to watch Legend of the Seeker. I used the built-in speaker and would have taken a picture of that set-up, but I'm putting my components into the rack and will take pics once that's done.

The display might look familiar to some of you. It'll bring back memories if it does. :)


Audioholic Jedi
For anyone in the market, this really is a nice stand. The quality of the glass was far higher than I expected. A nice thing is that the glass is shiny on one side but has a mat finish on the other, so you can tailor the look to your tastes.

The last step of the instructions is simply to "slide" the glass shelves into place. Okay, I'm not the strongest guy here, but dang. The bottom two shelves each sit on a thin front bar with suction cups on it - trying to "slide" it past that all the way to the back, given how heavy those shelves are, is not easy. That, and those shelves fit like a glove - so there isn't much room to angle them back and forth. Once they are in, though - they look really nice, IMO.

On a related note - black glass shelves...white dog. Maybe I should have thought that one through. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
I bought some of Monoprice's regular (not premium) component video cables. Darn connectors are too loose fitting for my system. They keep pulling off the back of the receiver. Oh, well. There was a whole $3 or $4 down the drain. :D Not enough to worry about at all. The cables are fine, so I'll just find another place to use them.


Audioholic Spartan
I bought some of Monoprice's regular (not premium) component video cables. Darn connectors are too loose fitting for my system. They keep pulling off the back of the receiver. Oh, well. There was a whole $3 or $4 down the drain. :D Not enough to worry about at all. The cables are fine, so I'll just find another place to use them.
Just pinch the connectors a tiny little bit until they are snug.
adk highlander

adk highlander

Sith Lord
Adam, sorry to hear about the delivery fiasco. At least your worries about were to put he TV while you were waiting for the stand are no longer an issue.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Slumlord
Adam has been stringing that display along for years and now it is playing hard to get. :D

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