We should work towards socialism? Really???
Let's take a look at socialism in practice. Should we model ourselves after Russia or China. Naw, those are communist, AKA extreme socialist. How about Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela? I wouldn't even vacation in those places, never mind have to live there.
So how about Europe, say...Denmark? First off, Denmark is an exception because it's system is propped up by huge reserves of offshore North Sea oil. If you want to see how European socialism works without Denmark's Saudi-style wealth, look towards Italy. Chaotic politics and economics and getting poorer every day. France, Germany and the others will continue to get poorer as they begin to run out of other people's money. They are just now expending centuries of mercantile and colonial wealth. That can't last forever.
I can't recommend Canada's version of socialism either...sorry.
In the grand scheme of world history, socialism is a relatively new concept and in every case, except maybe Denmark with it's oil, the standard of living in every nation that adopted socialism has dropped relative to the degree to which socialism has been implemented. Even now, you will be able to watch the standard of living drop in the US to the extent that the new administration implements it's socialist agenda (or to be more correct, it's fascist agenda).
Thanks Dave, for your usual breath of fresh air.
I don't really blame others here for the way they feel about socialism, it isn't really their fault.
They've been indoctrinated. From grammar school on up to college, socialism is subtlety taught.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (1965) was a major shift. It changed our system of education -- which, up until 1960, was the best in the world.
Please allow me to recommend, yet another book:
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - By Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education.
Much of this book contains quotes from government documents detailing the real purposes of American education:
"To reject high academic standards in favor of OBE/ISO 1400/90006 egalitarianism;" - " To reject truth and absolutes in favor of tolerance, situational ethics and consensus;" "To reject American values in favor of internationalist values"
Teachers are instructed how to instill humanistic (no right/no wrong) values in the K-3 students. At the text's suggestion they were encouraged to take little tots for walks in town during which he/she would point out big and small houses, asking the little tots who they thought lived in the houses. Poor or Rich? "What do you think they eat in the big house?...in the little house?" Slowly sowing the seeds of class warfare.
Kids aren't being educated, they are being indoctrinated, and that explains why U. S. twelfth graders scored below the international average, and are among the lowest of the 21 Industrial Nations in both mathematics and science general knowledge in the final year of secondary school. Even though the U.S. spends the most per student.