As with all things audio, it comes down to personal and subjective preferences. I've heard a high end Anthem pre-pro with ARC room correction and I thought Audyssey XT DEQ sounded better than Anthem.
Others may think Anthem sounds better. Some may even think YPAO sounds better. Some may think Pioneer's RC sounds better. Or maybe Dirac or Lyngdorf or something else.
If you were my own brother, I would tell you to buy a Denon or Marantz in your budget with Audyssey XT32 + dual independent subwoofer EQ over any Anthem or anything else. But that's just me.
My advice to my own flesh and blood would be that in this audio world, don't believe that less features is somehow "more". Less is just less. You never know what you need.
Again, everyone has a different experience.