@Movie2099 brought to my attention the new Roland Emmerich (Stargate, Independence Day 1 & 2, Godzilla, Day After Tomorrow, The Patriot, 2012, White House Down, Midway) SciFi apocalyptic thriller “
Moonfall” because it is supposed to be reference quality in terms of both video and audio.
So I did check it out last night.
Video: Superb Reference PQ. Moonfall was shot using the 8K-resolution Red Monstro digital camera.
Audio: The Atmos overhead, Surround sound and bass levels are superb Reference quality.
This might be the BEST SOUNDING movie I have EVER seen.
Story: It’s formulaic where the antagonists and their families win and live happily ever after, which I never have a problem with.

At least the concept of the MEGASTRUCTURE MOON is new to me as I have never heard of it. The physics topic of GRAVITATIONAL FORCE is always interesting to me.
I love the ending of the movie. I also love some repeating phrases that appear at the beginning and then at the end (Better to ask for forgiveness, I’m gonna get you home).
Conclusion: Will probably win the Oscars for best visual/sound effects, but nothing else. I think “Moonfall” is very entertaining. I will likely be rewatching this movie plenty of time.

There are some plot holes and some unnecessary annoying scenes, but I can forgive them. If for no other reasons, you will want to watch because the Video/audio are reference quality and could be the best you’ve ever seen/heard.
This is the movie to SHOW OFF your awesome 4K Laser PJ and OLED TV and ATMOS sound system!