2channel setup help needed

  • Thread starter chicomoralessxm
  • Start date


any additional thoughts like i blabbed a little too much???
so between the NAD CA and HK intregrated which one is the best idea for 2 channel?? and does it make sense to get receiver thats not 2channel even though i'm hardly if ever am going to use like the impressive budget priced rxv659


Audioholic Samurai
IMO it does not really matter as far as SQ is concerned. I would buy the RXV659 for it's versatility and reliability.



Nick250 said:
IMO it does not really matter as far as SQ is concerned. I would buy the RXV659 for it's versatility and reliability.

you have a valid point. I like receivers for the versatility. With the CA540 or the Nad325 i'd still need a tuner. thats why i was looking at the HK3480 and i saw and have heard some positives about it and hk seems to be a solid entry level brand. So for the price I was thinking either that or the rxv659 which has alot more features I wont prob use. you think that it would be more reliable than the NAD or cambridge audio??? Do you know anything about the denon dra697ci stereo receiver???


Senior Audioholic
chicomoralessxm said:
you have a valid point. I like receivers for the versatility. With the CA540 or the Nad325 i'd still need a tuner. thats why i was looking at the HK3480 and i saw and have heard some positives about it and hk seems to be a solid entry level brand. So for the price I was thinking either that or the rxv659 which has alot more features I wont prob use. you think that it would be more reliable than the NAD or cambridge audio??? Do you know anything about the denon dra697ci stereo receiver???
I vote for
#1 NAD
#2 HK

Nad is not a entry level amp to me , HK is the best of the entry level , everything else is entry level .
Musically NAD's are the best on your list ( with it comes a pretty good resale value , if you what to upgrade later to a pre pro ). Then HK .


wire said:
I vote for
#1 NAD
#2 HK

Nad is not a entry level amp to me , HK is the best of the entry level , everything else is entry level .
Musically NAD's are the best on your list ( with it comes a pretty good resale value , if you what to upgrade later to a pre pro ). Then HK .
Ok cool. think for your obeservations. Anyone else hve and thoughts? What about the CA540 cambridge audio. I've never heard them yet but i have seen mixed reviews on them. So have really praised them and others really ripped them saying they are 'weak' so to speak. I've been told they are really realible and looks wise i like them. any thought???


hmm i guess no one is familiar with those models.
JoeE SP9

JoeE SP9

Senior Audioholic
Here's how I would rate them.

1. Cambridge CA540
2. NAD

I don't believe that HK is in the same category quality wise. Just try selling an HK amp and see how little you get for it. Cambridge and NAD have some resale value.:D


Well thats what i've heard have not been able to hear how these amps will perform even though i'm found of CA. People have made some mention about them being weak?? are they realible from your experience as NAd from what you have heard? HK3480 appeals more to me from a budget perspective. If i had the money sure i'd buy a Music Hall int. amp or a rotel. But i'm lookin at spending 400-500 at the most. and would love a tuner


Junior Audioholic
For the amp you should go with the NAD C320BEE (I think it was replaced by the C325BEE (I have not heard the C325BEE, but the C320BEE is easily the best in its class).

For the CD player I would go with the Cambridge 540C..

Speakers.. Most of your budget should go there, but I don't have any good suggestions. My ears are very sensitive. I used to like Paradigm, but as i've gotten older I feel they are bright and people will argue with me, but I really feel they are really tuned for HT and not 2ch. Even at the top of their line I think you can find better for cheaper if you are only looking at 2ch.

My 2ch Setup:
EE Audio Minimax Pre
Joseph Audio RM7XL
Bel Canto S300


So its advisable to budget mostly for your speakers hmm that sounds familair. i'm looking at spending anywhere from 320 for polk 6's to maybe 600 if i can get a pair of focal or paradigms still trying to decide on those as well i have not ruled out PSB either. Either than versatility are there any pro's or cons of getting a reciever 2channel or 7.1 over a integrated 2 channel amp like NADc325bee or CA540A

thanks in advance steve


Junior Audioholic
chicomoralessxm said:
So its advisable to budget mostly for your speakers hmm that sounds familair. i'm looking at spending anywhere from 320 for polk 6's to maybe 600 if i can get a pair of focal or paradigms still trying to decide on those as well i have not ruled out PSB either. Either than versatility are there any pro's or cons of getting a reciever 2channel or 7.1 over a integrated 2 channel amp like NADc325bee or CA540A

thanks in advance steve
if you are only going to listen to 2 channel buy an integrated, or if ya had more money, better yet a pre and power amp. price being all the same you will be more happy with the sound quality if you stay away from the additional electronics involved in receivers. only benefit you would get out of a multichannel receiver is the ability to biamp and maybe a better DAC (if you decided to go cheap on the CD player), but as I said before your best bet for the money is an integrated.


Thats interesting quite a few people do suggust that. I was wondering if that theory applied to older receivers since new ones imagine have far better electronics?? So dimishing of sound quality on the speakers and with an untrained ear as mine would be hardly noticable


Senior Audioholic
chicomoralessxm said:
Thats interesting quite a few people do suggust that. I was wondering if that theory applied to older receivers since new ones imagine have far better electronics?? So dimishing of sound quality on the speakers and with an untrained ear as mine would be hardly noticable
Bottom line
Why does NAD (new or old) top the list for 2 channel over the new recievers ?
Headroom in the Amp section .
Thats why the above poster suggested you get a used Pre/Pro ( Headroom ) . Which i promote if you can budget it .


Here is a question? If i get a stereo receiver with pre/out like the hk3480 which i can get for like under $300 new. Will that be a good idea since it will allow me save money, I won't have to buy a seperate tuner. But I will use its amp section till of course I get an external amp like a nad or maybe a rotel.

Is this a good idea?? keep in mind i'm using it mainly for music prob will add a sub for my bookshelf speakers.


Junior Audioholic
i would suggest listening to the advice that you have already got.


Senior Audioholic
chicomoralessxm said:
Here is a question? If i get a stereo receiver with pre/out like the hk3480 which i can get for like under $300 new. Will that be a good idea since it will allow me save money, I won't have to buy a seperate tuner. But I will use its amp section till of course I get an external amp like a nad or maybe a rotel.

Is this a good idea?? keep in mind i'm using it mainly for music prob will add a sub for my bookshelf speakers.
Thats alright , now you just have to go listin to them and see which one is best .
If the NAD doesnt come with a tuner , go buy a used one off Ebay or Audiogone ( Carver tuners are very good and cheap on Ebay ) . I have heard ( many years ago ) , a NAD intergrated ( low power 55 x 2 rms per channel ) amp with Klipisch Hersey's and a B&O turntable , the setup was terriffic . You shouldnt need a Sub for your 2 channel , if you buy correctly . I used to own NAD ( many years ago ), alot of the intergrated stuff is bridgeable . I had the 3155 bridged into mono and a power envlope ( equal power ) Bridged into mono . So if you want to upgrade later ( for more power ), it mightbe possible to bridge into mono .


wire said:
Thats alright , now you just have to go listin to them and see which one is best .
If the NAD doesnt come with a tuner , go buy a used one off Ebay or Audiogone ( Carver tuners are very good and cheap on Ebay ) . I have heard ( many years ago ) , a NAD intergrated ( low power 55 x 2 rms per channel ) amp with Klipisch Hersey's and a B&O turntable , the setup was terriffic . You shouldnt need a Sub for your 2 channel , if you buy correctly . I used to own NAD ( many years ago ), alot of the intergrated stuff is bridgeable . I had the 3155 bridged into mono and a power envlope ( equal power ) Bridged into mono . So if you want to upgrade later ( for more power ), it mightbe possible to bridge into mono .
Klipsch are nice speakers heresy or the cornwall i think my prob is that i have to get bookshelves for now due to space limitations. Due to that using smaller speakers i will need a sub. for to achieve those lower octaves. Ebay is a possible option but since i live outside of the US shipping sometimes is a hassle. Plus i kinda like buying stuff new just my preference


Junior Audioholic
You don't need a sub for 2 channel. I have never owned a sub for 2 ch and have always had bookshelf.

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