2009... so far it sucks



Audioholic Jedi
I had to deal with clueless customers explaining the same things over and over... and over... and then a few more times.
And, yet...you still hang out here. :D

I am sorry to read about your situation. I just wasn't sure what to say. Like you alluded, it's better to leave on your own terms and at the time that you choose versus having it happen unexpectedly.

Truly, best of luck in your situation.


Audioholic General
Hey, man. I also sympathize. I got downsized out of a job and it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. Same thing happened to my dad.

It looks bad now but it will get better. Good luck.

Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
And, yet...you still hang out here.
Well if you were to look at a graph of my posting frequency I'll bet it dropped sharply when I started that job and started explaining things constantly. :)


Seriously, I have no life.
aren't you supposed to get a separation pay for the number of years you have served for the company?

God Bless in whatever future plans you make.
Severance and notice aren't usually mandatory.


Audioholic Slumlord
Well if you were to look at a graph of my posting frequency I'll bet it dropped sharply when I started that job and started explaining things constantly. :)
In that case I look forward to reading some resident-brainiac caliber posts. I been around long enough to discern that you know stuff. I've taken a look at your DIY pic's. It's obvious that your depth of knowledge is substantial. If you're not busy you feel free to drop in and help me out with a newly acquired interest of mine: crossover upgrade! :)

Everybody puts your hands up and give me all your info!

This is a THREADJACK !!! :D

Seriously, since I'm a construction rat I am pretty comfortable with being layed off. It's part of the cycle for many of us. We joke that the FBI is untouchable. That's Friends, Brothers and Inlaws and that's okay: I've been one. I've been self employed and have also employed others. My personal mini roller coaster has shown me that nothing is forever and things change. It's also shown me that things work themselves out. In the past I have had the opportunity to point out to people that my worrier broke. I'm a malfunctioning unit. I'd like to be able to help you out by breaking yours for you and setting you free. :)

Uh-oh, here come the guys with the big nets ... gotta go ...


Seriously, I have no life.
A company should be able to fire people for whatever reason they want. It might just be that the economy is bad and they don't have enough work for him and maybe that guy is next. But if they just don't like him, thats a good enough reason to me.

I know you mean well, I just don't think recommending checking into an age discrimination suite is the route to go. It's a drain on American resources and won't help him very much.
I only meant that if it's verifiable, it may be worth pursuing. If it happened, it's illegal and is using the law as intended.

"Drain on American resources"? This isn't just a frivolous lawsuit over being burned by coffee after someone placed it where it shouldn't have been- it has to do with someone losing their job and if the reason they fired him is illegal, he would stand to recover more than a little. Wrongful termination suits are filed all the time but the danger that it could become all-consuming is real. If it gets to that point, it's time to step away. When I lost my last job, I could have gone after them for age discrimination because I know:

A) the person who replaced me is younger
B) the other installers had worked with him at another place and they're friends
C) they paid him less than I made
D) there's no way he works faster than I do (I worked with him before), and speed was the reason given.

At first, I had a hard time accepting their reason when the time allotted was rarely exceeded. My severance was acceptable and they didn't dispute me collecting unemployment, so there was no reason for me to whine. The days of spending one's career with one employer are over and there's little loyalty, on either side, unfortunately.


Seriously, I have no life.
My personal mini roller coaster has shown me that nothing is forever and things change. It's also shown me that things work themselves out. In the past I have had the opportunity to point out to people that my worrier broke. I'm a malfunctioning unit. I'd like to be able to help you out by breaking yours for you and setting you free. :)

Uh-oh, here come the guys with the big nets ... gotta go ...
I ran a few 12V installation shops and at the last one, when one of the guys (or more) would get too cocky, I would say "Don't get too comfortable". The first time, they looked at me like I had kicked their new puppy and asked when I meant. I told them that anyone can be replaced and if the company wanted to replace all of us, they could and would, for whatever reason they saw fit. Once I made it clear that what I said wasn't me being on a power trip, they understood what I meant.


Audioholic Slumlord
An older guy from Trinidad once told me to just do my work. He said that way if I did get laid off, I wouldn't feel bad. However if I do end up working for abusive people I just use my left hand.
I'm not a south paw. :D

Another thing I was told once long ago was that there is enough work around that there was no reason to work for @$$holes.
I like being appreciated. :)


Audioholic Samurai
I could have gone after them for age discrimination because I know:

A) the person who replaced me is younger
B) the other installers had worked with him at another place and they're friends
C) they paid him less than I made
D) there's no way he works faster than I do (I worked with him before), and speed was the reason given.
What if they just liked working with him better than you?

If you lived in an at will state, the mistake they made was giving a reason at all.

I'm not taking this lightly, I really feel for the Hi Ho, but lawsuits sketch me out. If they don't want you, for WHATEVER reason, its better to find a new job because they'll figure out how to make your life miserable otherwise (no raises, the worst jobs, etc.). Obviously the finding a job is the hard part in this economy.


Audioholic Spartan
Sorry to hear about your situation, Hi Ho. Unempolyment sucks.

We all know how the auto industry is going these days. I will find out soon if I have a job for the remainder of 2009. Sales figures for the last two months have caused a serious and immediate threat to my job.


Sorry to hear about it man.

Good luck finding something bigger and better!


Audioholic Samurai
Sorry to hear about your situation, Hi Ho. Unempolyment sucks.

We all know how the auto industry is going these days. I will find out soon if I have a job for the remainder of 2009. Sales figures for the last two months have caused a serious and immediate threat to my job.
I haven't been following the news, it hasn't picked up at all?

One of the problems with the big three (other than unions, no offensive if you belong), is that their products just suck and there are too many models. I wanted so bad to buy American the last time I bought a car over the summer, just because of the economy and I wanted to support American workers, but they just wouldn't let me. Bad dealers, bad cars and suvs. Totally bummed me out. I drove that Jeep SRT-8, and it was basically what I had with my Hemi Jeep other than more power and better suspension. It was still a plastic rattle box. I bought something foreign and considerably more expensive, but its taken less of a hit than I would have taken with the Jeep SRT-8.


Audioholic Spartan
I haven't been following the news, it hasn't picked up at all?
Auto sales are down about 40% from last year for the months of November and December. Toyota and Honda are also posting sales down about this same percentage so it's the whole industry, not just the domestics. Assembly plants are closing for a month or more across the industry. I've already been off for a month and I go back on Monday when I will find out how hard we will be hit locally in terms of permanent layoffs.

I bought something foreign and considerably more expensive, but its taken less of a hit than I would have taken with the Jeep SRT-8.
I can't blame you for buying a Porsche. I would if I could.:)


Audioholic Spartan
Sounds like it's time for you to go into business yourself as their competition.


Audioholic General
Last night after I was done with a long day of work and ready for the weekend the owner of the business for which I have worked over two and a half years installing and servicing audio video equipment pulled me into the conference room and told me I was being laid off. This couldn't have come at a worse time (financially) and what really makes me angry is that I was their senior installer. I had more knowledge about my job than most of the people that work there. The guy that did not get laid off was hired only three months ago, knows very little about the field, hates the job, and is getting paid more than I was! If that is not screwed up then I don't know what is. I also find it aggravating that an employer asks for two weeks notice when an employee is going to quit but they have no problems terminating a senior employee due to "the economy" with absolutely no notice at all. They did this all while my boss and good friend was on vacation for the week. He would have fought this with all he had.

I am so depressed. I wouldn't go back there after this even if they beg. The term, the world is not fair, certainly rings true today.
Oh, I know exactly what is going on, trust me. Everyone just seems to like being an ******* lately... lol.
I have to try to find a new job myself; but I have to get my car running first :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Auto sales are down about 40% from last year for the months of November and December. Toyota and Honda are also posting sales down about this same percentage so it's the whole industry, not just the domestics. Assembly plants are closing for a month or more across the industry. I've already been off for a month and I go back on Monday when I will find out how hard we will be hit locally in terms of permanent layoffs.

I can't blame you for buying a Porsche. I would if I could.:)
Yes, sales are down all over. There are numerous reasons for this severe downturn. One that has not received near enough attention, is poor basic engineering all around.

The trouble is the corporations who are making mechanical and electrical goods, are in charge of people who have no clue about anything technical.

Add to that stupid regulation and idiots like Al Gore, who insist carbon dioxide is a pollutant when it is nothing of the sort!

Minnesota wants to join California and require refiners to reduce the amount of CO2 a gallon of gas produces. Since the regulators, and now the general public have no clue about simple chemistry and thermodynamics, they don't know what they are doing. The only way to make a gallon of gas make less CO2 is to remove carbon from it. The the gas has less energy content, as every atom of carbon combines with one oxygen molecule (two atoms) producing CO2 and energy. If you remove the carbon, you are chucking energy down the drain and will use correspondingly more of it. Just try and explain that to any grandstanding politician preening himself before a far to ignorant Joe public.

Then take the issue of SUVs and trucks. Up here we are in the grip of a severe arctic winter, with lots of snow. We need heavy iron! The newer Chevy trucks are in trouble with those stupid plastic manifolds giving trouble in ever increasing numbers. I'm told some models only have four bolts attaching each manifold! That is just daft and irresponsible. Further more the newer transmissions and power plants will just not hold up to moving snow with a blade, in the quantities we have been getting it round here.

People are now giving a small fortune for old 70s 80s trucks, even if they are rust buckets, round here at the moment!

My 1988 Diesel suburban has been receiving a lot of envious attention lately. It looks perfect and runs just like the day it left the factory with 200,000 miles on it. I have been moving my snow with my 61 year old John Deere Model A tractor with farm hand loader. Now that is heavy iron. I have spent 30 hours on her so far this winter, and have burnt through 65 gallons of gas moving snow. It really upsets me to see how low we have sunk now.

Things are probably worse in Europe. They are having unusually cold temperatures and it seems there cars can't keep going with temperatures just below freezing!

This from the expat Telegraph.

Yesterday tens of thousands of motorists were left stranded in a record day for car breakdowns amid chaotic scenes on the roads as temperatures in parts of the country dropped to as low as minus 11C (12.2F).

It is just not good enough. There will I think be massive shake ups coming out of this crisis. If not we will sink into the abyss.
Last edited:


Sorry to hear - Network

Sorry to hear you got laided off.

TLS and others make some great suggestions.

One other thought, Network, Network, Network

Talk to your former customers, talk to suppliers, talk to other people in the field, talk to great audio forums, e.g. Audioholics.

Put together a short resume ( 1 page , but no more than 2) about your skills.

Be optimistic and postive-- keep thinking the glass is half-full .. when one door closes another opens.

Good Luck!



Audioholic Samurai
Dooooood, I'm really sorry to hear that. I've been on that side of the desk more times than I care for. All I can say is to keep your head up, and when one door shuts, another one opens. ;)


Audioholic Slumlord
Hi Ho,

Look, if you're not doing anything this weekend, we can pull a bank job. :D

Let me know,
Alex :)


Audioholic Overlord
Yes, sales are down all over. There are numerous reasons for this severe downturn. One that has not received near enough attention, is poor basic engineering all around.

The trouble is the corporations who are making mechanical and electrical goods, are in charge of people who have no clue about anything technical.

Add to that stupid regulation and idiots like Al Gore, who insist carbon dioxide is a pollutant when it is nothing of the sort!

Minnesota wants to join California and require refiners to reduce the amount of CO2 a gallon of gas produces. Since the regulators, and now the general public have no clue about simple chemistry and thermodynamics, they don't know what they are doing. The only way to make a gallon of gas make less CO2 is to remove carbon from it. The the gas has less energy content, as every atom of carbon combines with one oxygen molecule (two atoms) producing CO2 and energy. If you remove the carbon, you are chucking energy down the drain and will use correspondingly more of it. Just try and explain that to any grandstanding politician preening himself before a far to ignorant Joe public.

Then take the issue of SUVs and trucks. Up here we are in the grip of a severe arctic winter, with lots of snow. We need heavy iron! The newer Chevy trucks are in trouble with those stupid plastic manifolds giving trouble in ever increasing numbers. I'm told some models only have four bolts attaching each manifold! That is just daft and irresponsible. Further more the newer transmissions and power plants will just not hold up to moving snow with a blade, in the quantities we have been getting it round here.

People are now giving a small fortune for old 70s 80s trucks, even if they are rust buckets, round here at the moment!

My 1988 Diesel suburban has been receiving a lot of envious attention lately. It looks perfect and runs just like the day it left the factory with 200,000 miles on it. I have been moving my snow with my 61 year old John Deere Model A tractor with farm hand loader. Now that is heavy iron. I have spent 30 hours on her so far this winter, and have burnt through 65 gallons of gas moving snow. It really upsets me to see how low we have sunk now.

Things are probably worse in Europe. They are having unusually cold temperatures and it seems there cars can't keep going with temperatures just below freezing!

This from the expat Telegraph.

Yesterday tens of thousands of motorists were left stranded in a record day for car breakdowns amid chaotic scenes on the roads as temperatures in parts of the country dropped to as low as minus 11C (12.2F).

It is just not good enough. There will I think be massive shake ups coming out of this crisis. If not we will sink into the abyss.
I take issue with the basic poor engineering comment. Even if you are an engineer how can you say that we are making worse products. You also imply that metal is superior to composite. Which isn't always the case. In aircraft which is being built with composite now they have found a much longer lifespan from the composite than from the metal portions of the plain. In doing maintenance they were shocked at how good the condition of the composites was.

As far as the global warming hype goes I will definitely agree with you that it's stupid and baseless. Using oil is far less destructive than building dams or putting up a field of wind turbines(which will be made out of materials like oil and metals) Plus 1 million wind turbines would effect the surface wind patterns to a degree. Probably as much as the added carbon in the stratosphere from fossil fuels effects temperature.

I do think if you have great technical skills you may consider a career in electrical engineering. Though it will be very hard if you go to a good school in the end it's worth it.

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