$1 Million Dollar Giveaway!!!!!!!

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Audioholic Overlord
Just thought I would mention that WWE's Vince McMahon is giving away (1) million dollars in cash. :eek::eek: Just go to WWE.com and register as it only takes a few minutes. Then, tune into RAW this Monday Night June 9th, 2008 at 9:00 PM Eastern/8:00 Central time. Be sure to watch closely as a secret code will be given out. Be sure to write it down. If the phone rings and it is the WWE, you MUST know this specific code in order to cash in. The good thing is you can enter more than once thus increasing your chances of winning the money. I have already entered twice. ;);)

I watch a little of RAW here and there. Sometimes, it is quite entertaining. At other times, it is quite raunchy and/or stupid. But, hey money is money right? Just think of the gear you could buy if you won that money!!! Anyways, just thought you guys might want to know about a chance to win some serious money. Good luck!!!!!




Audioholic Samurai
I can't stand pro-wrestling... ugh. But I'd take a cool mil if it was handed to me for sure. I just don't think I could even stomach the exposure long enough to register for this thing...


Audioholic Overlord
I can't stand pro-wrestling... ugh. But I'd take a cool mil if it was handed to me for sure. I just don't think I could even stomach the exposure long enough to register for this thing...
Yeah, I can understand that. But, for a mil it is worth putting up with imho. Besides, some of the so-called Divas are hot.



PS: Good luck if you should decide to enter.


Audioholic Ninja
Yeah, I can understand that. But, for a mil it is worth putting up with imho.[emphasis added] Besides, some of the so-called Divas are hot.



PS: Good luck if you should decide to enter.

What you are saying is irrelevant; it does not matter whether it would be worth putting up with it for a million dollars, because that is not what one gets. Putting up with it only gets you a chance to win a million dollars, probably with extremely poor odds. A million dollars and a remote chance of winning a million dollars are completely different things. It is not worth putting up with a second of that crap for a lousy minuscule chance of winning anything.

When you find an offer of a million dollars for putting up with it for one night, then let us know. But don't confuse a chance for something with that something.


Audioholic Overlord
There is nothing wrong with your decision. I agree wrestling can be really pathetic at times. But, right now even if it is only a small chance in winning some money I am in. This is what makes America so great. If you don't want to watch then don't. For those who do, good luck if you decide to enter. You never know as stranger things have happened.




Audioholic Overlord
What you are saying is irrelevant; it does not matter whether it would be worth putting up with it for a million dollars, because that is not what one gets. Putting up with it only gets you a chance to win a million dollars, probably with extremely poor odds. A million dollars and a remote chance of winning a million dollars are completely different things. It is not worth putting up with a second of that crap for a lousy minuscule chance of winning anything.

When you find an offer of a million dollars for putting up with it for one night, then let us know. But don't confuse a chance for something with that something.
Surely, you are not implying that I am trying to deceive someone regarding my post. I just posted this thread for those that might be interested in entering for a chance to win some money whether it be $1Million or $100 dollars. The WWE is advertising $1 Million. If, you are NOT interested in entering then so be it. Each to their own I always say. Have seen this advertised on tv as well as on the net. Thought I would mention it. No need for personal attacks. Please accept my apology if this thread sounds misleading as this is not my intent.


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I think its just the wrestling part that is getting to folks. I myself cannot stand to watch that crap, but I respect anyone who likes that kind of entertainment, but its not for me. As far as the million bucks go for it Phil....:D


Audioholic Overlord
I think its just the wrestling part that is getting to folks. I myself cannot stand to watch that crap, but I respect anyone who likes that kind of entertainment, but its not for me. As far as the million bucks go for it Phil....:D
Hello Jamie. I don't watch it much myself. But, for a chance at winning some money why not? Perhaps, it has gotten so bad they have to do stuff like this to get people to watch. :eek::eek: Not really sure. However, money is money and right now my gas tank is on empty........LOL!!!!! :p:p Hope all is well Jamie.




Senior Audioholic
What you are saying is irrelevant; it does not matter whether it would be worth putting up with it for a million dollars, because that is not what one gets. Putting up with it only gets you a chance to win a million dollars, probably with extremely poor odds. A million dollars and a remote chance of winning a million dollars are completely different things. It is not worth putting up with a second of that crap for a lousy minuscule chance of winning anything.

When you find an offer of a million dollars for putting up with it for one night, then let us know. But don't confuse a chance for something with that something.
I bet you would really have fun with the question "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" If you can figure it out, ill Dub you the title "Masterdebater"



"I will rule you" Jimmy King, Ready to Rumble F-N funny spoof on pro wrestling. I think for a million i could stomach tv entertainment for an evening:p


Audioholic Ninja
The only thing I have seen regarding wrestling in the last little while is all that stuff on the news about Hulk Hogans son being in jail. I think that is the closest thing I will get to watching wrestling. Vince's ratings must be tanking if he has to give away a million dollars so people watch his show. I really enjoyed wrestling in the 80's and early 90's but it has totally changed now and IMO for the worst.


Audioholic Overlord
"I will rule you" Jimmy King, Ready to Rumble F-N funny spoof on pro wrestling. I think for a million i could stomach tv entertainment for an evening:p
I agree as I have had to do endure worst things. Who knows one of us just may get lucky.




Audioholic Overlord
The only thing I have seen regarding wrestling in the last little while is all that stuff on the news about Hulk Hogans son being in jail. I think that is the closest thing I will get to watching wrestling. Vince's ratings must be tanking if he has to give away a million dollars so people watch his show. I really enjoyed wrestling in the 80's and early 90's but it has totally changed now and IMO for the worst.
Yeah, it looks like the judge is going to be tough on HH's son Nick. For some, being somewhat of a celebrity makes no difference whatsoever. It appears that ratings for RAW has dropped. At one time, I used to watch wrestling but lately it is nothing more or less than a soap-opera.




Audioholic Overlord
I bet you would really have fun with the question "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" If you can figure it out, ill Dub you the title "Masterdebater"

Hey Tommy, this is so funny. I am still laughing about it. :D:D




Audioholic Ninja
Surely, you are not implying that I am trying to deceive someone regarding my post.

You are correct, I am implying no such thing. You were clear in your opening post in this thread. However, your second post contained a misstatement, and I replied to that.

I just posted this thread for those that might be interested in entering for a chance to win some money whether it be $1Million or $100 dollars. The WWE is advertising $1 Million. If, you are NOT interested in entering then so be it. Each to their own I always say. Have seen this advertised on tv as well as on the net. Thought I would mention it. No need for personal attacks.[emphasis added] Please accept my apology if this thread sounds misleading as this is not my intent.



What "personal attacks" are you talking about?


Audioholic Ninja
Hello Jamie. I don't watch it much myself. But, for a chance at winning some money why not? Perhaps, it has gotten so bad they have to do stuff like this to get people to watch. :eek::eek: Not really sure. However, money is money and right now my gas tank is on empty........LOL!!!!! :p:p Hope all is well Jamie.



The reason not to watch is that your odds of winning are so low that it is nearly a zero chance of winning. This means that you will almost certainly get nothing for your time and trouble. Is your time and trouble worth nothing? Sure, you could win, but that is extremely unlikely.


Audioholic Overlord
You are correct, I am implying no such thing. You were clear in your opening post in this thread. However, your second post contained a misstatement, and I replied to that.

What "personal attacks" are you talking about?
Well, you came across a little on the harsh side. Several other members here noticed too. However, I am glad that was NOT your intent. Just for the record, wrestling is a bunch of hog wash imho, but who knows I may get lucky. One thing is for certain, if you don't enter you don't win.




Audioholic Overlord
The reason not to watch is that your odds of winning are so low that it is nearly a zero chance of winning. This means that you will almost certainly get nothing for your time and trouble. Is your time and trouble worth nothing? Sure, you could win, but that is extremely unlikely.
This may be correct, but like I said if you don't enter you don't win. Usually, when I am on my computer my tv in my bedroom is also on. So, it really is no big deal to watch it as most evenings I am usually on the net anyways. Otherwise, it might pose a problem as times does seem to be rather short here lately.


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