This may be correct, but like I said if you don't enter you don't win. Usually, when I am on my computer my tv in my bedroom is also on. So, it really is no big deal to watch it as most evenings I am usually on the net anyways. Otherwise, it might pose a problem as times does seem to be rather short here lately.
Yes, if you don't enter you won't win. But if if you don't waste your time on it, you can do other things with your time.
This reminds me of how lotteries are often advertised:
You can't win if you don't play.
But they neglect to mention the important fact that goes with this:
You can't lose your money if you don't play.
And, of course, since the lottery makes money for those running the lottery (and for the suppliers of paper, ink, etc.), your odds of losing are extremely good.
In this case, if you don't bother with it, you won't waste your time. If you win, by all means, come back and gloat over it. But if you lose, just remember, you wasted your time.