Just thought I would mention that WWE's
Vince McMahon is giving away (1) million dollars in cash.
Just go to WWE.com and register as it only takes a few minutes. Then, tune into RAW this Monday Night June 9th, 2008 at 9:00 PM Eastern/8:00 Central time. Be sure to watch closely as a
secret code will be given out. Be sure to write it down. If the phone rings and it is the WWE, you
MUST know this specific code in order to cash in. The good thing is you can enter more than once thus increasing your chances of winning the money. I have already entered twice.
I watch a little of RAW here and there. Sometimes, it is quite entertaining. At other times, it is quite raunchy and/or stupid. But, hey money is money right? Just think of the gear you could buy if you won that money!!! Anyways, just thought you guys might want to know about a chance to win some serious money. Good luck!!!!!