What New Stuff Have You Bought? If You Care To Share Thead! :)



Audioholic Warlord
$1/GB and free shipping AND IT'S SHAPED LIKE YODA!!!!



Audioholic Jedi
150 espresso pods. I've had an espresso machine for about a year, but I don't use it much because I'm often too lazy to deal with the coffee grounds. I can't believe that it took me this long to even look them up on Amazon. :eek: But, now I'll have a bunch...hopefully I like them. :D


Audioholic Warlord
^^Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shout!:eek:I need one. I have one. I lied.:p Congrats. U Da Master Blaster.


Audioholic Jedi
Cool! How do you like the Nexus 5? My brother seems really happy with his. If it would work with Verizon, I probably would have gotten one.


Audioholic Jedi
I wonder how many Audioholics just decided to upgrade their cable coloring scheme...



Audioholic Slumlord
FWIW Roku 3's can use Plex which is supposed to be very good, really easy to use and looks great partly because it reads metadata. I've been using that, albeit not very much yet, but so far I like it more than the DLNA feature on the Onkyo.
Finally got Windows Shares working from my PC running Vista. Gawd, what a horrible OS Vista is. I really should upgrade to Windows 7. I'm beginning to explore the apps that come with it. Is there a web page I can go to that rates the different online apps in terms of selection, streaming reliability and such?


Audioholic Warlord
Finally got Windows Shares working from my PC running Vista. Gawd, what a horrible OS Vista is. I really should upgrade to Windows 7. I'm beginning to explore the apps that come with it. Is there a web page I can go to that rates the different online apps in terms of selection, streaming reliability and such?
I'm not really sure. When I was looking, I just went around and googled plex vs whatever or whatever vs whatever and it usually came up with a bunch of results. I can look after work if you don't find anything and I agree Vista is awful.


Audioholic Ninja
Cool! How do you like the Nexus 5? My brother seems really happy with his. If it would work with Verizon, I probably would have gotten one.
I made a huge leap, from a failing 3 year old T-Mobile G2 running Android 2.3.4 :eek: to the N5. So, I absolutely love everything about it.

I was hesitant to get the white one, but the choice was good. Because of the texture, the back is not nearly as stark as the pictures make it out to be. The black on black just seems bland and the contrast of white back to black sides introduces some flair.

The only thing I'm not liking is that SMS and Hangout messages from the same person show up as two threads. But, that is easily remedied by downloading a SMS client and making it the default.


Audioholic Warlord
From that CD sale I got these new:
Used BD
Used 2 CD set

Nestor how is this amp and what is it hooked up to?
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Audioholic Jedi
DTA-100 has been around for a while and seems to be well liked. At the sale price of $69 right now...kind of hard to pass up, if they have any left.


Just purchased a new Tivo Roamio 6 tuners should finally solve the multiple dvr problem.roamio_angled.gif

Had two two channel dvrs from Brighthouse and always switching from one to the other, bit the bullet and ordered the new tivo. I have an old series 2 from 13 years ago and still running.

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