I was very sad to have to send mine back. I bought it after having so many HDMI switching issues with the Emotivia 200. Well, the Outlaw switching was better, but not 100% reliable. Slow, flashing, sound in and out, and occasionally did not lock on. Once locked on, it worked perfectly. The Emo was "frequently did not lock" and even lost lock when the FIOS switched formats. Both companies insisted the units were not defective and accepted them back with no further questions.
Confirmed with oppo, Pioneer, and Panasoic BDs, FIOS, and Toshiba TV with 3 foot high speed HDMI cables. The Marantz AV5007 switched every time with no drama in 2 or 3 seconds. So does the TV. Issues both "native" and "auto"
I have done a lot of data sheet reading and contacting vendors this week. Four things came out:
A LOT of units have had switching issues.
A lot of people tolerate them.
Reviewers IGNORE these issues.
The newest chipsets if properly implemented correctly, switch just fine.
Unfortunately, the Outlaw and Emo are the only products in this small footprint and affordable cost range. These are both stand-up companies. I hope they can resolve these issues.