Nice advertisement. Amps are about how they, come on wait for it, wait..... amplify. I know some very happy big Emo owners. How does this beast sound compared to the Gen 1? How indestructible? * Give us a hint on the measured power bandwidth? How about a waterfall plot of freq/power and THD? What does it take to make it unstable? ( Maggies, ES, stupid cables etc)
I would love to see some commentary on their "short signal path" i.e. their topology. What are they doing different from a traditional 3 stage amplifier and why is this better for the sound/cost? OK, John and Erno liked full complementary differential input and VAS, but when I model it in Spice, I find more to be gained in paralleling more outputs. What does Emo know and how are they advancing the art? They have a balanced input. Is it really? If so, how well balanced? That is a very tricky proposition as you know. A couple of transistors or op-amps and 1% resistors is worse than single ended.
*(tell me you have never seen some idiot stack several amps in a rack to impress their friends.)