Lets get clear distinction between hardware, software and drivers issues. These are completely different issues and OS choice whole another topic...
I had bad and good hardware from all the vendors and one can't just simply say that HP have known issues with batteries. It comes down to series and which ODM made them.
Pretty much 99% chance that ANY PC/MAC you buy today is made in same city in China by one large ODM vendor or another.
Design or QC do affect the final product, but not as much as you think...
Original topic started with complain which I will happily join about Windows and in particular Windows 8 are terrible and got much worse.
This is not a coincidence, but a result of series of bad decisions made by Balmer. Read more here:
Microsoft has failed | SemiAccurate
I also highly recommend to read more of related Semi articles. While writer - Charlie Demerjian maybe a bit too harsh, the facts the there.
Just put them together and it will impossible to deny that something really stinky is going on in Microsoft.
I'm not huge Mac believer ether - After Steve Jobs passed away Apple has not developed a single (really) new product. iPhone 5 - barely an improvement - slightly bigger screen and slightly faster cpu?
or iPad mini - smaller ipad with subpar display?
Is there great alternatives? I don't know - Like they say stay tuned - things are still developing, but not in Windows or Mac worlds...