I have PCs and Macs. Both have their pros and cons, and neither is perfect. I haven't had much issue with Windows since XP came out. I have XP, Vista, and 7 machines (nothing with 8, though - haven't heard great things about it).
As for hardware longevity, my 2006 MacBook battery swelled (apparently a known issue, but no recall or anything), and Apple wanted something like $130 for a new one. I bought one off of eBay, and it swelled, too. My Mom's MB Air has had fan issues, hard drive issues, and the hinge cracked (Apple was awesome and fixed the hinge for free). My Dad's MB hard drive was going bad and needed to be replaced. Both my parents and I baby our gear. I'm not saying that Apple gear is junk, btw.
I happen to like Apple gear, but it's not necessarily any more robust than PC gear.
I think that a lot of it comes down to which gear people like, and how much leeway they'll give it. For example, if you favor Macs and not PCs, then whenever a PC does something wrong...it sucks, but whenever a Mac does something wrong, you tend to just move past it. The reverse is also true for folks who favor PCs.