All right, first of all, I want to give you special credit for coming up with such a great illustration as the XPA-2 bridged versus unbridged cases. Nicely done.
That said, my original point was regarding line-level components, not power amps, and you happened to choose a power amplifier for your example that had single-ended performance that wasn't up to snuff by your own measurements compared to another single-ended amplifier from the same manufacturer (the RPA-1). My point was, specifically, that it seems possible for amp designs using only differential output stages, and not being differential in all stages, to have distortion and noise measurements that aren't as a group distinguishable from fully balanced designs. I'm not sure that's true, but as a fan of fully balanced designs I've always tried to see if I could notice that correlation, and I can't.
Back to line-level components, now I really can't see the correlation between better measurements and fully balanced designs. Not because I don't believe differential signaling is advantageous, but because the advantages are apparently swamped by other factors, the advantage has fallen below the threshold of measurability, whatever, or the difference would be easy to see.
Finally, I am not arguing that signal-ended topologies are equivalent to differential topologies in general. That would be ridiculous. I am arguing that for line-level audio components I have yet to see proof of a measurable advantage among real-world products. Don't interpret my position any other way, because it isn't intended that way.