Ponz, Are you serious, "Sony Boombox" say it ain't soooo---ny...
I'm surprised, but I order directly through a guy I talk to all the time over there, because I got mine what seemed to be a short time, maybe 2 weeks? Although they just boned me with an order I placed for a pair of demo'd outlaw 2200's... They said in stock, then called and said they couldn't find them... No big deal I only bought them because they were cheap, and I know when MD says demo, it means brand new... I bought a jolida tube amp supposingly demo and it was unopened, I also bought a brand new demo marantz dac that was unopened for them, they are really good to deal with.. I'll bet I spent at least the same amount a new kia costs with them...
As far as the Topping amp, sorry about that... I really like everything about it... I think these little tripath amps are over looked by a lot of people, My brother had an ONkyo 709 that didn't make sound anymore {fried amp sections or something}... he bought 3 lepai 2020's for $60 and he uses it for his bedroom and he said he prefers it to the amps in his marantz avr lol, he has one of those smart powerstrips that turns on everything when you turn on the main.. I like these little amps, they are very clean sounding and the prices are great rite now... Emotiva is a good value and the tp60 is a better buy...