CEA 2M @ ....................10/12.5/16.../20...../25..../31.5../40...../50..../63...../80...../100..../125Hz (N= could not produce passing results):
Funk 18.0 (Active): ....91.9/95.5/99.2/103.6/108.8/114.9/119.9/121.4/121.9/ 121.7 /121.6/ 121.6
Funk 18.0C (Passive): N..../89.0/93.3/ 97.6/ 101.4/106.1/112.1/119.1/
Funk 18.0C (Active): ..N..../90.1/93.7/ 98.2/ 101.8/106.7/112.1/117.0/119.8/ 121.4 / 122.3/ 123
Nathan, I see that from 12.5-40Hz the passive 18.0C is about the same as the active 18.0C. But from 50-125Hz, the passive 18.0C outputs a lot more. Why is that?
And how much is the passive 18.0C so that I can start recommending it to people who don't want to spend more than ~ $1K?
I'm going to have to sell some of my speakers and RBH subs so that I can have room for 2 more 18.0 Unpowered subs.