So onward and upward took me into a fit of review reading on the internet about streaming players. Google TV gets a lot of bad press. I won't go into the details. You can look them up for yourself. The Roku seems to be beloved by everyone but, as mentioned in this thread, is quite limited in what it can do. The Apple TV gets good reviews when it is jailbroken. I kept looking for something with overwhelmingly positive reviews. I found it. It is called the Matricom Midnight MX2. On Amazon it get 5 stars from 80% of its owners. Nothing else comes even remotely close in terms of positive reveiws. It isn't Google TV. Actually it uses the Android Jelly Bean OS and XBMC open source media player. So it is something like watching a movie on your smart phone except, of course, with a big screen. It handles 1080P, 5.1 surround sound, has 8 gb of internal storage and supports any USB wireless keyboard and mouse, if you like. It has 3 USB ports. It has Wifi and wired ethernet and HDMI 1.4. So unlike Google TV, nothing is blocked and unlike a Roku you can surf the web for your content and install whichever android apps you like. I happen to have Jelly Bean on my smart phone so I'm familiar with it. Some of the Android boxes use IR remotes. Apparently this one does not. I'm not sure if I will be able to control it with my Harmony One but I'll find out soon enough. It has a remote of its own. I placed my order today.