I probably should not comment as I have never used a receiver. My preamp units have always DIY in the very early years, and Quad until the AV era. Peter Walker was always asked by his sales staff for a receiver and his answer was always one word :- No!
I have used a Rotel pre/pro which I did not like particularly. I have had a Marantz AV8003 for over three years now. A regulator failed in the power supply half way into the three year warranty. This was promptly and efficiently taken cars of by Marantz. I have been highly satisfied with this unit, apart from that one incident.
I have a Marantz AV7701 at our other residence. That unit has a known bug, in that there is no subwoofer output in 2.1 mode, so it only does 2.0. I only got sympathy from the area rep, who was unaware of the bug. I have Emailed Marantz about the bug and time frame for a fix, but they do not reply, which is not encouraging.
So I added a center channel, a 4" full range driver, like the one I sent fuzz and it works very well. Dialog is excellent without being shouty. It excels in good dialog at low volume.
The unit has excellent audio quality, and overall I'm happy with the unit in the current set up. However the reaction from Marantz to this problem concerns me greatly. They seem obsessed with getting a fix for Pandora, which I could not give a fig about.
In general I think there are too may features in pre/pros and receivers. I think receivers are a bad idea. That is no place to put power amps. I don't think receivers and pre/pros are the place to out streaming either. I have not had much luck with streaming to either device. Streaming I think should be handled by dedicated peripherals, connected by HDMI. In my view that is the way to go.
As far a Marantz, I have had a professional CD player for about 20 years or so, and it is still my reference CD transport for my audio workstation and RME DAC.
I also have had a Marantz CD/DVD/SACD DV 9600 for six years. I have had no problems with those units.
As far as Direct And pure direct modes, I don't think I hear any difference. I have to switch to my analog bass management for PD.
The best audio quality I have comes from some BD offerings.