I'm not so sure everything he's saying is true. I know that Behringer is only $20, but a single two-channel op-amp, like the Linear Technologies LT1115, would fit in that little box and would probably produce a passable result. (I have no idea what's in the Behringer, I'm just pointing out that $20 doesn't mean it's "incapable of high fidelity", it's just ugly.)
The same with the Stanton cartridge. Yeah, it's slanted more towards durability than subtlety, but it's probably on the same level as good FM radio. The turntable is probably in the same category. I think TLS Guy overcooked his response, and all he probably accomplished is chasing the OP away, needlessly.
I do agree with TLS Guy that setup is alway important with mechanical systems, but that is completely irrelevant to the original question.
Frankly, TLS Guy, I think your response was unworthy of you.
You can think what you want. That Behringer preamp only claims to boost the cartridge output to line level. It makes no claims to equalize the RIAA curve and no specs are published as to its adherence to the RIAA curve or its deviation.
Extremely accurate adherence to the RIAA curve is essential for any semblance of pleasant reproduction. Any phono preamp worth purchasing will disclose that spec.
As to the cartridge it is very stiff. It has only half the compliance of an Ortofon Red. The stylus is not elliptical, as is typical of scratch cartridges, as they have to play backwards and cope with all manor of abuse. Tracking force is 2 to 5 grams which means 5 grams as you always should select the upper end of the tracking range.
When I set up the turntable I sent Afterlife2, I had to do a number of workarounds.
For instance as is typical of all but high end arms, there was no height adjustment, so the tracking angle was incorrect and it sounded awful, until I corrected it with shims.
The drag of the auto return mechanism severely compromised performance as is typical, and so I had to remove it.
I was quite pleased with the unit when it left, and I know Afterlife 2 has enjoyed it and has been purchasing vinyl.
Vinyl sounds lousy without great attention to detail and proper equipment selection. I stand by that statement.
I think I almost certainly have more experience with vinyl reproduction than anyone else on these forums.