You are getting great advice from these folks. The Andrew Jones Pioneers are the way to go for the speakers. Amazon usually has reasonable prices and a great return policy if you need it.
Monoprice or Parts Express for any cables you need.
Personally, I would avoid craigslist for a receiver for a couple of reasons. Receivers are quickly changing and new models have features that you might actually desire in a college environment. I'm not suggesting that new equals better but in the case of receivers, it does mean new features.
Craigslist, in my opinion, is filled with folks who think their receivers are worth more than they actually are. Plus, you have to wonder why they are selling the receiver and how they treated it. Lastly, you won't have any sort of warranty.
Given your environment, I would go with a Yamaha as they are built like tanks (in general) and can possibly handle a little more abuse. I like Onkyos but they require careful feeding and handling. Denon is also awesome but they are about $100 more than their competitors for the same features, though they are built really well.
Again, for most people, more features are unnecessary, but in a college environment, the ability to do Airplay, or plug in via USB, or stream over a network connection may actually get used.
So, just looking today, here's a receiver I think would meet your needs. Yamaha RX-V573 7.1-Channel Network AV Receiver: Home Audio & Theater
good luck,