I guess I should throw in some recommendations. I agree with TLS guy that a DJ turntable is not the best approach. In fact, it is most likely that a DJ turntable already has a phono stage in it. It could chew up your records pretty badly. I'll give you some thoughts from someone who was a furious audiophile before CD's were invented. My best turntable ever was made by VPI, weighed in at 80 lbs and cost $1500. The grace tone arm and Benz Micro cartridge brought it up to around $2700. That was in the 1990's. I sold all that stuff years ago. My current table is a Music Hall MMF 2 and I use the stock arm with a Grado moving magnet cartridge (I forgot the model of the Grado.) This is a perfectly competent system for well under $1000 that makes great music and won't destroy your records. I would say it provides 95% of the performance of the VPI/Grace/BenzMicro system. Back in the VPI days I used a Creek moving coil preamp. It was excellent in every respect. The integrated amp where I have my turntable has a MM phono stage so I don't have to use a preamp now. If I did, I would seriously consider the Cambridge Audio units. Cambridge has enough volume to be able to provide good value. Cary, unfortunatly, is a much smaller company with necessarily overpriced products. Great products, don't get me wrong, but not great values.