I look at it this way, there are those out there looking to make money off products used in audio and hence we have these "cables" $100 USB cables, $500 speaker cables and gold interconnects that have been blessed by the priest at the local cathedral. Great marketing, audio mags with paid advertisement and then we have the reviewers in these mags claiming superior sound but, there has never been any proof that these fancy high dollar cables work accept for the "ears" test by these reviewers or from those that actually bought the hype and purchased $100 USB cables and $150 per m speaker cables and these people would look like a loon to say, I wasted my money I couldn't hear a difference. Just like those fancy 'Brilliant Pebbles" fancy rocks, wooden knobs, $500 power cords, cable elevators .

A good marketer can sell anything to anybody
I saw this quote " The audiophile market is similar to the wine connoisseur market in that it includes a percentage of pretentious dingbats who exercise little or no judgement or critical thinking when introduced to gadgets like gold-plated speaker wire, fancy-shmancy power leads, wine magnets, etc."
To me what effects soundstage is (1st) a poor recording , (2) poor room acoustics, (3) improper speaker placement or (4) just inefficient speakers (5) the system is not matched