Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Slumlord
Btw, was that you giving me helpful votes? If so, thanks!
Yeah, but I didn't have the staying power to go much past a few pages. I certainly couldn't read more than a couple because I'm not interested in anything outside of glocks' 663, j_garcia's oppo, Craigslist and Audiogon.


Audioholic Jedi
Time to go do some yard work.

And then maybe, just maybe, order a pizza or two. :)


Audioholic Jedi
Meh. Domino's doesn't have their two medium specialty deal anymore, and I can't use the two-topping coupon and pay a bit more for a specialty like I used to be able to. Dang.

Oh, well. I guess that I'll be all healthy...


Audioholics Five-0
Does it actually work well? What happens if your dog goes to chase a squirrel?
At first I thought it was going to be a miserable failure as my dog did seem to pull me into the neighbors driveway, but after that we did get a ride complete without any further ado, even with a squirrel sighting. Max is about 50 pounds for what that's worth.


Audioholics Five-0
Oh, well. I guess that I'll be all healthy...
Would you believe I've eaten salad most days this past week :eek:

Of course, destroying a box of donut holes last night *may* have cancelled some of that healthiness out.


Audioholic Overlord
Very weird day indeed ... I just took a cab to get some ice cream and cookies then went to the liquor store for some Bailey's to pour on top.


P.S. Also had Little Caesars pizza for dinner, the new deep dish is pretty good and comes in a single serving box!
My wife insists a large is not a single serving box, but hey I'm with you. ;)


Audioholic Jedi
Of course, destroying a box of donut holes last night *may* have cancelled some of that healthiness out.
I don't see how. Eating out a hole should burn more calories than you get - well, unless you're in a dungeon...making an internet video...


Audioholic Slumlord
I just got reminded that Patriot's Day means no work for me so another day off!


Audioholic Jedi
My Sewell HDMI switch just shipped, scheduled to get here on Tuesday. A month ago, I shipped my pants.


Audioholic Slumlord
My Sewell HDMI switch just shipped, scheduled to get here on Tuesday. A month ago, I shipped my pants.
The Carhartts? You shipped them? Where? Why? I wear those too, btw. Why do you need an HDMI switch?


Audioholic Jedi
The Carhartts? You shipped them? Where? Why? I wear those too, btw. Why do you need an HDMI switch?
Oh, I guess I could have said that Amazon shipped my pants - but that wouldn't have sounded as good. :D I like those - pretty comfy. Not the best made pants that I've ever gotten, but Dockers quality has gone downhill over the years, and it was time to try something new.

My computer monitor has three inputs (HDMI, DVI, and VGA), but I have four computers. One computer can only do VGA, the Mini does best on DVI, and the other two can do HDMI (among other things). So, with an HDMI switch, I can keep them all plugged in without having to swap cables.


Audioholic Chief
At first I thought it was going to be a miserable failure as my dog did seem to pull me into the neighbors driveway, but after that we did get a ride complete without any further ado, even with a squirrel sighting. Max is about 50 pounds for what that's worth.
My dog is a fairly prone to dart and doesn't like bicycles. I just get this vision of me laying on the ground while she drags my bike after a bunny. :)
Maybe I'll see in some secluded place if she'll go off leash with me on the bike first. She's only 40 lbs but very fit and strong.



Audioholic Warlord
I'm pretty sure the only way my dog and a bicycle go together is if there is some sort of doggy carriage for him to ride in.

I prefer to have my pants delivered by Preppy Gram, preferably the Rick Roll A Gram.


Not sure. This is still a ways off so nothing has been decided yet. Don't even know if I'm gonna go late 2012 or early 2013 yet.
:eek: Don't look at people wrong or say your from canada... You'll get bashed thated me verey sad Australians allways fight hmm guess where just a fighting kinda place


Audioholic General
:eek: Don't look at people wrong or say your from canada... You'll get bashed thated me verey sad Australians allways fight hmm guess where just a fighting kinda place
I've met numerous Australians and numerous people who've travelled there. I'm not too worried. I trust their word more than some dude on an audio forum.


Audioholic Slumlord
Adam, if you ever need an HDMI-to-DVI cable please let me know. I've got a killer Monster one I paid nearly 100 bucks for that never worked for me due to HDCP issues with a long gone non compliant TV. I can't throw it out yet I have zero use for it. It's presence is insulting. Not quite as personal as the bracelet el Deuce sent you but you know ... I'm straight.

Australia, if I ever visit you prepare to be ruled ... and make your women clean. :D

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