Every Denon, even the higher end models (3xxx, 4xxx, 5xxx), is assembled by Sherwood and these higher-end models defective rates are about 2.5x that of Yamaha?
Or are we talking about the 1xxx & 2xxx models?
Keep in mind...
Sherwood assembles products for many brands including Sony, NAD, Onkyo, HK, Teac, Pioneer.. Not only is our business to sell/install AV system we have supported the mentioned brands and factory in their hardware/software development of new AVRs as well as traveling to the Orient to meet directly with the factory AVR development teams.. Regarding Denon (and Marantz), they have suffered significant losses both financial and market share. The majority of the Denon defects were their
lower models as the higher models were built in Japan until last year these were also moved to China. They do have their own Denon factory in China but it has been a very slow learning experience, also going forward the Denon and Marantz AVR platforms are the same with front panel ID changes for each brand. The D&M Holdings corporation of today which owns Denon, Marantz, Boston Acoustics is a shrunken shell of the original organization as when Bain Capitol (headed by Romney) took over controlling interest they reduced it size by about 75%...
Just my $0.02...