Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Senior Audioholic
well... i might be trading my system for a 1989 chevy caprice.. i'm not quite sure though... i can replace my subwoofer for $200, all my other speakers dont really matter that much, i can get better ones cheap but the sansui's cant really be replaced... the guy wants $1000 or to trade for audio equipment... but without including the sansui's my system is only worth like maybe $600 at the most :/ this is gonna be a tough decision


Audioholic Overlord
well... i might be trading my system for a 1989 chevy caprice.. i'm not quite sure though... i can replace my subwoofer for $200, all my other speakers dont really matter that much, i can get better ones cheap but the sansui's cant really be replaced... the guy wants $1000 or to trade for audio equipment... but without including the sansui's my system is only worth like maybe $600 at the most :/ this is gonna be a tough decision
How is an 89 caprice worth 1000 dollars? If you want a car get a late 90s Honda Civic they are built to last forever. Sounds like you are about to be duped.

Remember never pay what someone asks for something. Always get a discount. Negotiate the price down. If he won't budge walk away.


Audioholic Overlord
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well... i might be trading my system for a 1989 chevy caprice.. i'm not quite sure though... i can replace my subwoofer for $200, all my other speakers dont really matter that much, i can get better ones cheap but the sansui's cant really be replaced... the guy wants $1000 or to trade for audio equipment... but without including the sansui's my system is only worth like maybe $600 at the most :/ this is gonna be a tough decision
Wow try sell him half your fear accePt your mains + some cash his way!!


Senior Audioholic
How is an 89 caprice worth 1000 dollars? If you want a car get a late 90s Honda Civic they are built to last forever. Sounds like you are about to be duped.

Remember never pay what someone asks for something. Always get a discount. Negotiate the price down. If he won't budge walk away.
You can't really find any cars older than 12 years old around here.. I actually was looking for o lder hondas but I could only find an old accord that won't pass emmissons testing. Also you can't really buy any cars around here for less than $1000.. I see plenty of sunfires and cavaliers with 200,000km selling for like 2k. I agree that its.not really with it but I guess that's just what cars cost around here. Also the caprice looks pretty good from the picture and has 200,000km on it. I'm gonna see if he will take my sub, old receiver, center speaker and suround speaker for it cause all that is worth maybe 400.. if he won't take that then I guess I'm outta luck.. and dude... An 89 caprice is way nicer than a civic. It will probably need work but I have taken a few automotive service classes and I can do most basic repairs. Even if it needs a new engine in a few years I could most likely do it or get a friend to do it. Also the car won't even be on the road for at least a year so i will have plenty of time to work on it.


Audioholic Spartan
I know you wouldn't use it because of it's color you racist bastard but I really like the idea of an unexpected amp showing up at your door out of nowhere ... free.

From: A Secret Admirer :D

Sh!t, that would be awesome.
Put some hot girl's pic in the package with a note saying something about how much she enjoys your posts.


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Audioholic Ninja
chin chow gong dow now... right?! Jamie gets it.. He loves turtles.. woed.


Audioholic Jedi
I'll admit it. I'm bothered that some moron gave me an unhelpful vote because they misread one of my reviews on Amazon. I know he/she did because they left a comment about how dumb I was for saying something...which I didn't say.


Audioholic Jedi
I didn't drink any alcohol last night. That might explain the blizzard warning for Tucson today...

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