Thanks for all of yalls input. With all thats been said, I really should go for the Denon 4311ci and couple it with my Emotiva XPA5. If I get a prepro, I have to get more amps to power the other zones, so the Denon is the obvious choice. Right now, I have the XPA5 hooked up to my old Onkyo SRTX706 in 2 channel Pure audio mode with a pair of Infinity Beta 50s. Having never owned an amp before, Im very satisfied. I think the Infinity Beta series will do for my HT, but Im definietly gonna need something bettter for my 2 channel music mode. The Beta 50s soound loads better that they did, but not as good as my GF's B&W 804s and Krell/Theta combo. Im finally coming to the conclusion that the reason Ive been disatisfied all these years is because it wasnt the receivers, but rather the speakers. You really have to throw down some bucks for good speakers to get the sound you strive for.