I was thinking about doing a dual opposed build with some TC Sounds LMS Ultras. I have no timeline for this, so don't expect a build thread any time soon, but I'm rolling the idea around and I'd like to see if I can get some box plans and maybe even a cut list hammered out with a little help from anyone who cares to. I've never done box plans from scratch before, so I'm on the hunt for some suggestions and advice.
Now, after seeking advice from TLS Guy, he recommends a box of about 4cu ft. I've been trying to mock something up on sketchup, but admittedly I'm finding I'm pretty terrible at it. I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but a little help never hurt
Anywho, if anyone's got the time to help with a sketch up mock up or some advice on dimensions and bracing, I'd appreciate it.
One last thing, given that this thing will probably be generating some pretty significant force I've been considering getting the pieces CNC cut so I know all the cuts are true and accurate. Although it's kind of hard to figure out how much that's going to cost without a box mockup and some dimensions, which is also why I'm seeking a bit of help.