I bought the 12 pack of Sewell Fast-Lock Deadbolts from Amazon, but they don't have a second hole on the side to thread the wire through. They're more barrel-shaped than most banana plugs, too. My wire is 16-gauge Rocketfish oxygen-free wire that looks just like the standard RCA wire I see when I look it up on Amazon-Mine has a clear coat around each wire-from a distance it looks pinkish-orange-in other words, it looks nothing like the double-jacketed wire pictured in the guide on Sewell's webpage.
So my main question it really whether it matters if the wire gets a little squeezed as I push it through the banana plug. Will it cause a fire or a short or a bad connection? I just want to know if there's a good reason to strip away even more insulation, since it seems to me that the insulation would provide better support. The more bare wire there is, the more stress, yes?
(And no, I don't plan on stripping away all the wire out past the edge of the banana plug. If I have to I'll just measure and strip only enough to have the maximum amount of insulation inside the banana plug as possible without hitting that inner rim.)
Thanks for replying