Funk will use whatever drivers you want, TC LMS Ultra, TSAD, or RE XXX (in terms of biggest best most expensive drivers). I have an e-mail somewhere in which Nathan told me that the RE XXX won out in the deep bass but was useless over 80Hz, the TC won out in the middle area, and the TSAD won out in the upper bass range. He said, all the drivers were close in all areas, separated by only a few db where output was concerned, but that the TSAD was able to stay clean and powerful nearly as low as the RE, was right on the TC's tail in that middle range, and started to run away from both of them in how much higher it could play. All in a package that was significantly lighter than both, as ADTG has noted. Obviously I paraphrased a bit, but that's the gist of it.
Somewhere around here there was a comparison of the LMS Ultra and the TSAD drivers. It was probably ADTG and I think he preferred the TSAD over the TC because the TSAD felt more realistic while the TC was powerful, but sounded a touch sluggish in comparison. This last bit was by memory, which is crap, so someone correct me if I'm mistaken.