Thanks for the replies everyone. Something that I experience, and I'm not sure if others do, but when I place my sub (hsu vtf-15h) next to one of my Aperion Verus Grand Towers at the front of my room, certain songs cause the low end to be biased to the left or right, depending on where I have my sub. Because of this, most of the time I have my sub directly behind my listening position so that it is not left/right biased in any way. The problem with this of course, is that sometimes I can feel/hear/tell that the low frequencies are coming from behind me instead of from the front of the room where the rest of the music is coming from.
I know that some of the above issues can be solved by lowering the overall volume of the sub so that it blends better with the rest of the sound, but I've already taken the sub much lower than I would like. I have what appears to be, at least to my ears, a very balanced sound at the current volume that my subwoofer is at.
Bottom line, I like how the sub up front sounds, but the left and right bias when it is up front I don't like so much. Therefore it goes in the back.
All this has lead me to think that adding another sub up front would be best, so that there is no more left/right bias. However, the purpose of this thread is to educate myself on what I should recommend to friends as they piece together their systems.
The new SVS pb-1000 option is very intriguing to me because, if the specs are right, you have a sub that can deliver 20hz sound. Having two of these subs would increase headroom for 2/3 ish the cost of the pb-12 plus. In this scenario, you'd have two capable subs that will increase headroom, and you can have symmetrical placement next to your front LR speakers so that the bass isn't biased to the right or left.