soooo....... ok, D.Range is now my best friend. Thanks for advising on it.
Here is what happened.
Using movie "Dark Knight" ... beginning of it ... when window blows out, guns going off in the bank, batman rolling in in his car.
so, once I changed to STD (Standard), now sound effects are not as crazy. It's actually almost perfect. Dialog is much clearer ... I am turning my volume to -8 and it's perfect. Yea .... a little bit of heavy sound effect is gone BUT .... i don't have to jump for the remote every time a gun shoots. When I have D.Range set at MAX ... i have to lower volume to -16. It's ok, but yea, action sound is a bit too much.
I am now able to turn off the Dynamic Range from my BluRay player. Had it turned on before and it helped a bit.
Something to note .... D.Range seems to work only on TruHD movies. So... if I am watching cable in Dolby Digital ... changing those D.Range options does absolutely nothing.
Final thought:
I am glad I can now use D.Range STD for movies that are just too loud or where dialog is not so clear or when it's after 12am. However, I will set it to MAX at the beginning of the movie just to see if STD is actually needed.
seems like there is almost no difference from min/auto and MAX option. Also .... hope this thing will work for movies that are in Dolby Digital or DTS.
P.S. ...... wish I could get the perfect middle ..... something between D.Range STD and D.Range MAX