OK, fine. Don't respond. I will anyway.
Over The past few months, you've been a plague here, and on other forums as well, asking detailed questions, taking polls and demanding everyone back up their answers to you.
People have been only too kind to help you, both here and at other sites. You've even played these sites against each other. Remember when I pointed that out? I can find it and repost it if you would like.
Now, you got all your data, analysed it, put it under the microscope, double-checked all your data, and then said you made a purchase. I said said. I'm not too sure you really did to be honest.
Now, here you are again. Only now, you seemingly insult the advice you were given here, praise the advice from another site, and complain about the performance of your system and have the gall to ask us for more advice?
And, it turns out that you're crying because the system you claim to have does what it's desighed to do too well?
I gotta say, you've got a set of brass ones.