Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



How much did my parents pay you? HOW MUCH?!


(To explain, my parents have been on me for a year to come home. I'd love to go and see them, but logistics with Niki and work can be tough.)
Lots and lots :p
Yeah I wish I could spare time to visit Myn every week but I can't unforchanetley but I do visit them every few months cause they drive me insane with emails messages and phone calls :D


Audioholics Five-0
I need a helpful vote infusion on Amazon. So, I'm going to have to find a product that you guys actually care about! :D Like a pizza dough maker or something. :p
Well that would at least get my attention :D

If you have dogs and haven't ever tried one, you might want to consider it. They were a little over $20 for a medium when I bought the one that I'm using, but I just bought a back-up this weekend for $14.
They're not something I use personally. The obedience school training has stuck with me I guess, ie 6' leash coupled with a pinch collar for walks. Of course Max can run his brains out in the back yard (and he often does), so it's not a big problem for us.


Audioholic Field Marshall
I gave you thanks because you're the best. And damn, you are so handsome!
Dear [insert your name here],

You are an amazing person. Your thought provoking insights into the audio/video world are a true gift and blessing to our community. We have never met before, but you have changed my life in a tremendous way. A simple 'thanks' or green chicklet is not enough for what you have done for me. To show you how much your contribution means to me, I named my first child [insert your name here]. Happy Holidays!

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Audioholic Jedi
Well that would at least get my attention :D
I did do a review of my food processor. Not a video review, but I did mention that I bought it to make pizza dough. :)

They're not something I use personally. The obedience school training has stuck with me I guess, ie 6' leash coupled with a pinch collar for walks. Of course Max can run his brains out in the back yard (and he often does), so it's not a big problem for us.
Niki is really good on a leash. Well, or I'm just very forgiving. When I first got her, she was REALLY intent on getting to any rabbits that she saw close by. So, maybe some people would have gone with a pinch collar. I personally don't think that I could ever use one. After not too long, though, we walked really well with each other. She listens pretty well, and I'll crawl through the brush and underneath trees to let her go places.


Audioholics Five-0
Niki is really good on a leash. Well, or I'm just very forgiving...I personally don't think that I could ever use one. After not too long, though, we walked really well with each other.
It was an important part of the training process in my case; Max was a rescue, and suffice it to say before training, walking him was quite problematic. He was prone to lunging full force at squirrels, other dogs, etc, and had no training whatsoever when we got him. When the option of the pinch collar was given (and heavily recommended by the school), I was a little concerned about it as well. However, the force I needed to apply on the leash to keep him in line beforehand was surely doing far more damage than a pinch collar would when utilized properly. Of course at this point, I rarely if ever have to actually use it; it's more a reminder that yes, I am in fact the boss.


Audioholic General
Yikes, that stuff looks kinda nasty. Well, to me anyway - I'm not a fan of curd cheese. The fries and gravy look good, though. :)
You don't know what you're missing. it's like a mouth orgasm.

Edit: I fully expect and encourage that to be quoted out of context.
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Audioholic Warlord
As a side note, I just realized that I need to find a woman with no goals and limited expectations...
It's better with a wife with lots of courage and temper, At least it's what I think and what I have :D


Audioholic Warlord
Decided to do catch-up from the last week of boring posts, until I realized it's 42 pages!!!!!!!!!

George Constanza, have a break..... His life seems meaningful now compared to what I see here now .... Congratulations!! You guys are the masters of nothingness

MERRRY CHRISTMAS to all of you :D


Audioholic Spartan
Lots and lots :p
Yeah I wish I could spare time to visit Myn every week but I can't unforchanetley but I do visit them every few months cause they drive me insane with emails messages and phone calls :D
I think my brain just tripped and fell.

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