It was mentioned that low watt amps usually have high output impedance.
This causes the frequency response of the amp to that of the speakers just amplified.
I guess those folks who love them must love the FR of their speakers not being flat
That's what I was thinking when I mentioned it. Some people use the flaws of amps or other gear as a filter or equalizer to compliment their other gear. An quick example: You have a speaker that has a bit of a sizzly top end. You put it on a tube rig, the top end cools, so you LOVE tubes. What's happening, really, is the tube rig can't drive the low impedance tweeter, so the high end response drops. You coulda done it with EQ (real EQ) just as well.
But we cannot minimize or ignore the touchy-feely nature of tubes in general. It's a regenerative psychological influence, and a very strong one. Picture if you will: low power tube rig, big horny speakers, and black vinyl revolving while you hold a 12" square piece of artwork. It doesn't get more physical, tactile or visual than that. Whatever you might actually hear is spun severely by the other sensory input. If you put all of that in a closet, and the speakers behind acoustically transparent cloth, and the entire experience is about just the sound, lets just say you won't feel the love as much. Maybe not at all.
When have you seen a modern tube amp that didn't show the tubes? They used put them inside the box in the old days, at least the integrated amps. You couldn't tell them from solid state gear, but what's the fun in that? Today we put the bottles right out where you can enjoy looking at them, all glassy and shiny, and glowing orange. That's just gotta sound good!
By the way, the real low-wattage guys are in the 5 - 10 watt range. Just a little quick math...if you were running two channels, speakers at 90dB/watt/meter, sitting 10' away, you can't even hit realistic listening levels with the 5 watt amp. Max is 90dB SPL, so absolutely NO headroom. Typical AVRs run 120 wpc, that's 14dB more, folks. You have to sit really close to the speakers for those low power amps to be worth anything in terms of raw volume.