Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



No there is. I met him at the mall. He was outside smoking a cigarette with one hand down his pants to "keep it warm."
Yep, and when he's sitting in his special chair in the mall he just keeps his hands warm by putting them down the pants of the little boys and girls sitting on his lap.

Hey, maybe young Adam could get a job working as a mall santa to help raise money for golf. He could still work the food court bathrooms during his Santa breaks. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Warlord
Yep, and when he's sitting in his special chair in the mall he just keeps his hands warm by putting them down the pants of the little boys and girls sitting on his lap.

Hey, maybe young Adam could get a job working as a mall santa to help raise money for golf. He could still work the food court bathrooms during his Santa breaks. :rolleyes:
Adam's forearm from..............keeping his hand warm :eek:



Audioholic Field Marshall
You better be kidding, or I'm going to be p*ssed! :mad: Spoiler alerts don't do s**t if they are on the same line as the spoiler. Use spoiler tags, dude.

Did you watch it?

I bet you didn't cry at the part where she dies at the end cause you knew it was coming. That's right, I did you a favor!


Audioholic Warlord
Bored at work. Considering going to the bathroom and "warming my hands"


Audioholic Spartan
next thing you're gonna tell me now is that there is no Santa Claus too.... Don't scr### up my x-mas too :eek:
You mean "CHRISTMAS"? ;)
Actually, "Xmas" is a legitimate abbreviation. The "X" is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. The abbreviation has been in use for several hundred years. I used to think it was wrong as well, until our minister set the record straight recently.


Audioholic Warlord
Actually, "Xmas" is a legitimate abbreviation. The "X" is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. The abbreviation has been in use for several hundred years. I used to think it was wrong as well, until our minister set the record straight recently.
Funny how that works, where with the context of history most people think many abbreviations are invalid or incorrect. The one that sprang to mind when you said that was the difference between football and soccer. Where soccer was actually a term coined by the British about the game and their penchant for shortening words and adding an -er to the end. So "Football Association" became "FA" or "The association". The latter being shortened to "Soc-er." Then adopted by those of us across the pond as soccer.


Audioholic Chief
Actually, "Xmas" is a legitimate abbreviation. The "X" is the first letter in the Greek word for Christ. The abbreviation has been in use for several hundred years. I used to think it was wrong as well, until our minister set the record straight recently.
I think this video gives us the correct PC term for christm .... I mean xma ... oh, whatever ...

Red Vs Blue PSA -- Holidays - YouTube



Audioholic Jedi

Did you watch it?

I bet you didn't cry at the part where she dies at the end cause you knew it was coming. That's right, I did you a favor!
You're a jack-a**. :mad:


I cried at the end anyway. Grown man or not.


Audioholic Jedi
I like how the characters in the movie wouldn't be able to use Siri. :D


Senior Audioholic
i think im gonna go on a big selling spree today... im thinking of selling my blu-ray player and just getting a blu-ray drive for my computer... i barely watch my few blu-ray movies anyways


Audioholic Slumlord
I need to go back to pulling wire. It's harder than it looks.

I got sick of Bach and Puccini ... went with Zappa.

Computer: OFF but first ... don't get no j*** up on that sofa sofa ... :eek:

Edit: Oh yeah, the other thing I was doing was checking for messages. Nothing yet.


Audioholic Jedi
Finally mowed the grass. Now I just need to get some winter rye grass seed...soon, before it gets too cold.

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