I have never been star struck, I have met Adam Sandler , Hugh Grant a few times {I know, but I did work on a property and.... whatever}, a ton of musicians and countless sports players {I did work at Gillette and Fenway} , and I never cared to get one autograph, EXCEPT- Lou Ferrigno , I admit he gave me an autograph that says "Nice motorcycle Big Guy, Lou F" I was happy, the Hulk called me big like 15 times, lol... I know its stupid but, what ev, I also got a chance to arm wrestle him and it was a draw but fun....
for the sake of disclosure, I did get Stan Lee to autograph my Spiderman 129 and my Hulk 180-181, but I then had to find another copy of each with no signature... and I have a Ruth ball that was part of a trade for a hot rod I traded... But them people had talent, not just some goofy star inside their 5 minutes...
And I'm definitely not letting will blow me, I mean Ill let him give me a handy or something maybe, but I'lll have to be drunk, and he needs to be on the other side of a glory hole and I can't know its him... Yah, better not even do that, I dont know where you were going with that one.. I think you zigged when you were supposed to zag on that one Monk...